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"Breathe in through your nose, out through your mouth. With every inhale defense. Every exhale offense." Jake says as we both get into defensive stances.

My dad is letting me train at the same time as the warriors, but only with Jake as my partner. I should be mad, but actually I am relieved. Some of these warriors have been training for years where as I couldn't because I had no wolf.

My plan is to learn from Jake and then integrate into training with the warriors. I haven't told dad that yet though.

Jake lands a punch to my side and I grunt in pain. Clutching my side, I shake my head frustrated in myself for losing focus. Sweat beads drip down my forehead as I take a defensive crouch facing Jake again.

We circle around each other. I study his steps like he said to, looking for when he will strike. I could strike first but that might expose my weakness and he finds it really fast.

"Remember when you exhale, exhale with short pants. Each strike is a quick breath out." With each word our circle got smaller and smaller until he launched himself at me.

I easily dodged out of his way, sticking my leg out to trip him. He stumbles slightly and I turn quickly throwing a punch to his face. My fist lands on his cheek and I want to smile in satisfaction that I actually landed a punch, but I can't get distracted.

Jake springs back up with a smirk plastered on his face.

"Good, you got a hit. That means your learning. I no longer need to go easy." He rolls his shoulders as my eyes widen.

That was him going easy?!

I know I can't expect to be an excellent fighter on my first day, but I thought as daughter of an Alpha, it would come pretty naturally. I guess I shouldn't really complain. Fighting didn't come naturally, but defense did.

He taught me how to break a choke hold and how to get out of being grabbed from behind quickly. I guess that just went to my head.

A few hours and a couple bruises later and I can almost hold my own with Jake. He still seems to know when I am going to strike but apparently I have speed. I had just pinned Jake down and was grinning triumphantly, when Jake grabbed my wrist from the side of his head and lifted his chest, throwing me off balance.

My back hit the ground with a thud as Jake's smug face entered my vision with his forearm pushing against my throat.

"Don't get to cocky before the end." He says before helping us both stand.

"Mom will have made lunch. Go on in and I will get dad." He dusts off my shoulders while he talks before running off.

"Hey babycakes, how was training?" My mom smiles as she hands me a sandwich.

"Good. I had Jake pinned." My mom kisses my temple at my words and sits next to me with her own sandwich.

I stare at the food, my mind running back to the training. Every strike that I learn, every breathing technique that will help me in a fight. I can feel myself strengthening but I need to work my wolf too.

"There's my girls." My dad walks in and kisses my mom before ruffling my hair. Jake sits back in his chair and immediately digs into his food.

"Hey Jake, after lunch can we train in our wolf forms?" I ask, digging into my own food.

"No." my dad responds before Jake can even swallow his bite.

"What? Why?" I whine.

"Dad, she is doing really good, I think she can handle it." Jake states, putting his food down to speak.

"She was a force shift. She can lose control more easy than a challenged Alpha."

"It's training. She's never gonna strengthen her control if she doesn't learn." Jake fights for my case like a true brother.

But I can see the Alpha blooming in him.

"Jake you aren't her dad. I am. And I said NO." dad's jaw clenches as he takes deep breaths to calm himself.

"well, I'm her mom and I say Yes." All eyes snap to my mom as she takes a bite of her sandwich innocently.

No one says anything as we stare at her. She continues to eat, but the rest of us are frozen.

"Hailey, Jake. Will you go outside so I can talk to your father please?" She says finally breaking the silence.

Jake and I glance at each other before looking at dad. I would laugh at his expression if I wasn't concerned about what is happening. His mouth is hung open and he stares at my mom like she just said the sky is purple.

My mom sends my brother and I a pointed look and we scurry form our seats towards the backyard. The doors are all soundproof but we can see through the glass. At first my mom is speaking calmly as my dad slams his fist on the table.

As my dad continues to flail his arms around, my mom speaks calmly. Finally she stands right in his face, points a finger at him and he drops his head. He nods his head once before reaching for my mom. She steps away and heads upstairs, ignoring his reach.

The back door slides open before he stands in front of us with his arms crossed.

"Alex will keep wolfsbane nearby in case she loses control." He grunts before turning on he heel and heading upstairs as well.

I stare in shock after his retreating form, nervousness coursing its way through my veins. He felt that wolfsbane was necessary if I was going to be in wolf form. My wolf isn't that unstable. Right?

I mean sure, I accidentally shifted once when Jake ate the last poptart that I had just made. Then there was that one time Alex changed the channel when I was in the middle of watching 'Friends' on Netflix.

Doubt wormed its way into my mind as Jake mindlinked Alex to get some wolfsbane and meet us on the field.

Maybe I should just work in my human form for a while before the wolf? I could work on how to control my wolf. The last thing I want is to hurt someone, especially Jake.

"Ready, Hail?" Jake jumps up and down rolling his neck side to side.

"Is my wolf really that unstable?" Jake freezes as he contemplates how to answer the question.

"I think that you can learn to control her." He says carefully.

I nod slowly in response. I feel so naive, how could I not had realized that I shifted uncontrollably.

"Let's just stay in our human form Jake."

"Hail what ar-"

"It's fine, Jake. I want to work on my kicks more." I say as I walk past him towards the field.

<3 <3 <3 <3

Thank you so much for reading. I can't believe "Another Forever" is almost at 500 reads! I am so excited and I truly hope that everyone is enjoying it.

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