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"Hailey" A voice croons softly, disturbing my sleep.

I groan inwardly as I bury my face deeper into my pillow. I don't want to get up, my bed is to comfortable and gets lonely without me. I can't leave it to be lonely, can I? I'm not heartless.

A warm hand presses gently onto my shoulder and shakes me gently.

"Come on Hailey." I peek through my eyelashes to see Jake getting ready to poke me between my eyes.

I quickly flip over and whack him with my pillow, laughing at his stunned expression. He narrows his eyes at me and I quickly roll out of my bed.

Jake tilts his head to the side with a smirk playing on his lips. Slowly he stalks towards me like a predator.

What have I done?

He has wolf speed and strength that he has had for a while now. I have just gotten some of the strength and sense but haven't actually shifted, yet.

I back up a little at a time and right when I am about to apologize, Jake stops and smiles softly. Something in his calm expression has my fear spiking.

"Jake..." I say in a warning tone, but he just smirks before walking towards the door.

"Mom and Sam made breakfast for your birthday. Everyone is waiting. Hurry up." He closes the door behind him, leaving me with a confused expression in my room. 

I try to think of what Jake is playing at. Why was he so calm? Maybe because I am eighteen now and could be getting my wolf? I hope I'll get my wolf anyway. My eyes widen as I replay his words in my head.

Mom and Sam made breakfast. That's what he said. Mom always makes bacon on our birthdays. Jake is going to eat my bacon!

I run from my room quickly, not caring that I am only in a pair of shorts and a tank top. I run down the stairs two at a time, thanking the Moon Goddess that I didn't fall on my ass.

I swear to her that if he ate my bacon I will make sure that when he meets his mate, she will see all of the pictures of us at our princess costume tea parties.

"Happy Birthday!" I jump at the sudden voices when I round the corner into the kitchen.

My mom is the first to hug me tightly, saying I can't believe my baby is eighteen, over and over again in my ear. I look at my dad, pleading with my eyes for him to help me. He chuckles once, before wrapping his arms around her and pulling her gently.

"Happy Birthday Princess." He kisses my forehead and pulls my mom back into his arms.

They are goals. I mean technically, all mated pairs are goals because of how deeply they love each other. But I am pretty biased so therefore, my parents are goals.

I start to go towards the open stool by Jake, when the most amazing smell hit my nose. Like oranges mixed with Old Spice. A weird combination, but somehow it works.

I stopped in my tracks, nose in the air like a wolf.

What is that smell? 

I look all around the kitchen but the smell isn't coming from here. The excited face of my mom and Sam as they stop each other from bouncing confuses me, but I don't linger. Every fiber of my being is demanding me to find the source of the smell.

"Eat all the bacon, Jake, and I will kick you where the sun don't shine!" his chuckles echo after me as I leave the kitchen towards the smell.

My heart beat increases as the smell gets stronger. I follow my nose back up the stairs blindly. I feel like that Looney Tune skunk that floats after the perfume of his girlfriend in a daze. How did I miss this smell when I was running after Jake? Well, bacon was involved, guess that explains that.

The door at the end of the hallway is open a little and I slow my steps as I approach it. The smell fogs my brain as I slowly push the door open. My jaw drops at who is waiting on the other side.


"Happy Birthday, Beautiful." His voice, like rich velvet, sends a shiver down my spine and goosebumps to my arms.

"Cade" My voice is barely a whisper as I take in the sight of Cade dressed in jeans and a tight fitting black V-neck.

My mind is in overdrive. So this must be how he felt on his birthday, when he realized I was his mate. The urge to kiss and mark him is overwhelming, how had he resisted for a month?

"Hailey, you are everything that I wished for in a mate, and even things I forgot to wish for. You are my best friend and my soul mate. I have loved you for so long and it felt like this moment would never come." He walks slowly over to me and my heart sped up with each step.

His hand reaches out for me slowly and I gasp as his fingers trace along my cheek, through my hair before resting on the back of my head.

His smile takes what little breath that I had, away. How can he have so much power over me? How can anyone be this handsome? He cups my face in his hands as his eyes search mine.

"Your reaction was well worth the wait." He leans forward and gently captures my lips with his.

I felt sparks when his skin touched mine, but the instant our lips met, fireworks.

Suddenly the world around us didn't exist, it was just Cade and I. My body molded to his as our kiss deepens. My arms grasp the back of his neck and even though there is no more space between, I try to pull him closer.

He smiles at me as he pulls away to breathe. My heart is pounding and with his wolf hearing, I know he can hear it.

So this is what everyone talks about. This feeling of being absolutely complete. I feel like I can fly with the birds, if I wanted to. But all I want to do is be here, in Cade's arms. Where I belong.

He takes a step back from me, dropping his hands to his side. I whimper at the sudden loss of contact. Why would he step away, when all I want is for him to kiss me again?

"I'll love you forever, Hailey" he whispers, but the words echo through my ears.

I can feel the tears forming in my eyes and I don't know why. Something in his tone of voice has a little red flag waving in my mind. My head begins to shake back and fourth on it's own accord. I try to move closer to him, to hold him, but my feet are glued to the ground. 

"Cade." I whimper as I reach out my hand, hoping that he will take it.

"All I want is for you to be happy." His voice floats in the air as he disappears into the darkness that is surrounding me.

I try to call out for him, to look for him but the darkness holds me prisoner.

A loud beeping pierces the darkness, freeing me from the my entrapment.

Reality crashes around me and the tears that were flooding my eyes fall down my cheeks.

I open my eyes as a sob threatens to break free. My mom is looking down at me with a heartbroken expression of her own.

"Shh, babycakes. It'll be okay, I promise" she says softly, stroking my hair.

How can she promise that? Cade is still gone and some other wolf is calling me his!

I felt the sparks and even now I can smell his scent in the pack house. How did I miss that smell earlier?!?

No. Nothing is okay.

This time, I can't hold back the sob. My mom says nothing more as she hugs me tightly to her.

<3 <3 <3 <3

Hope you like the new chapter. It would mean so much if you would like and comment what you think so far.

Don't forget you're beautiful.

Thanks for reading 😘

Another Forever (Completed) [Wattys 2018]Where stories live. Discover now