Chapter 15

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Summer POV

I've been in the infirmary for the past week, getting multiple bacta dips and other treatments to help heal my wound faster. But what worried me more than my recovery was Kylo Ren's sudden absence. He hasn't visited since he left for the meeting with General Hux and Snoke. What could have become of him? It doesn't seem likely that he suddenly disappeared. I blame Snoke for this.

Or is this my fault? What if Kylo took responsibility for my freeing of Poe?

I shook off the thought, for what would happen to him is too much for me to handle.

*  *  *  *  *  *

Two more weeks have passed and I've been healing quickly. Kylo still hasn't returned to the room but I keep my thoughts occupied with the physical therapy the medics ordered.

I carefully but forcefully did pull ups with rubber resistance bands in the small gym. Some stormtroopers without uniform were using other equipment, keeping themselves in the required fit condition. For me, I haven't used the formerly injured muscles in weeks and the last thing I need on top of everything is atrophy.

I took a small break, lying down on the padded seat. A shadow appeared over me and I opened my eyes to see the red-haired general and...a female that looked vaguely familiar. He was in his normal uniform but she was wearing a sports bra and capris like me. I tried not to show disappointment. I was really expecting (well, hoping) for Kylo.

"You seem to be progressing well," Hux spoke, sounding more condescending than complimentary. His eyes wandered where they probably shouldn't, due to my lack of clothing.

"The best that I can," I replied out of breath from exercising. Then I couldn't resist asking the question that's been bothering me for weeks. "Hey um, has Ren been around?"

"Of course. He works here. Why wouldn't he be?"

My face fell. "He hasn't been in to see me. Is he alright?"

My concern didn't even faze Hux nor whoever the woman was. "As far as I know, though Ren is so fickle with his emotions. It could be the littlest things and he won't speak to me for days. Not that I care, but work has to get done somehow."

Even though my body was exhausted and I've done the required time, I went back to working out, hopefully giving them the message that I want to be alone. I heard Hux mutter something probably derogatory before leaving but the woman stuck around. "I can sympathize with you on the fact that General Hux is quite annoying."

I stopped on hearing her voice. Now I know who she is. I turned around, wincing slightly from the sore muscles. "Phasma?"

"Who else?" she spoke, as if stating the obvious. "Were you expecting my appearance to be different?"

I shook my head. "No, not at all. I know what you look like. I just...haven't seen you without a helmet before."

She crossed her arms, eyeing me suspiciously. "We have only met once. Tell me, where I've revealed my face to you before?"

"Nevermind. I'm confusing you with someone else. So Hux gets on your nerves too?" I tried to change the subject, not wanting to go down that road.

"He gets on everyone's nerves, but due to my rank I don't show it-" Her head snapped to the right, eyeing one of her stormtroopers not able to a life a barbell. "FN-1309. Why are suddenly having trouble lifting weights? Do you not come here as much as I demand?"

The stormtrooper was shaking in his boots. "No Captain, I-"

"Report to my division later to discuss this disappointment. We shall proceed from there with what to do with you."

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