Chapter Thirty Three- Lost times

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Chapter Thirty-Three: Lost times

I woke up to voices yelling at distance. Someone arguing. Someone yelling. And then I heard Kim's cry.

I snapped my eyes open and looked around. I must have slept through the day at her place. Ugh. It was 6 pm already.

I grabbed the glass of water and chugged some down my parched throat. My head was surprisingly alright. I jumped out of the bed and hastily tied my loose hair in a ponytail as I walked out of her room and down the stairs.

I saw four figures hovering around the sofas in the living room. The tension between them was so thick that I could slice it with a knife.

A sinking feeling settled into the pit of my stomach as I made my way to them.

Martin and Kim stood there holding hands while uncle Travis and Kim's step mom, Jenna, looked seriously devastated.

Whose dog or cat died?

"H-hi..." I waved awkwardly.

Kim ran to me and engulfed me with her warmth. She cried on my shoulder and I wrapped my arms around her, "It's okay Kim. What happened?" I patted her back as she sobbed and sniffled.

"It's okay... you'll be fine." I spoke again.

"Did you know about it too?" Jenna asked, annoyingly.

She was just like every other villain Stepmother out there. Perfectly cunning. No offense, I still believed some step-mums were just like the real ones.

We pulled apart and I nodded at Jenna.

"I thought of you as my daughter and you too hid this from me?" Uncle Travis's broken voice echoed in the room, making me cringe.

He'd been there when my own parents weren't. I had always felt like family with them. And now seeing him hurt, hurt me too.

"I am not approving of this. You have your whole life in front of you. You can't—"

"Yes dad I do! But, this is my life now. I love martin and I love this little one in me." She touched her belly for effects-- so her. I smiled and looped my arm with her. I glanced at Martin awkwardly standing there and went there looping my other arm with him, letting him know we were all in this together.

"It's not just my part anymore, it's me. It's ME!" She yelled, tears streaming down her red face.

I was hurting for her too.

"Okay... uncle Travis, I need to talk to you in private. Now! Please?" I looked straight into his brown eyes-- which Kim had inherited from him.

I gave him my pleading look and he just couldn't refuse.

"No, say whatever you want right here in front of me." Mrs. Richard again barged in, whining.

I almost rolled my eyes at her.

But, before I could say anything uncle nodded and we strode towards his study. I recalled how much time I used to spent here—reading books while Celeste—Kim's mom, used to do her own work, letting me hang with her.

"Talk." His voice was commanding. I didn't like that.

"I know about... you know." I took a deep breath and took the seat from across him.

He was a man with charms still in his old age with gray hair. But, he was also a person of heart just like Celeste was.

"I know you're worried and all that and I guess I know why.... It's not because of Kim. It's because of you. Celeste was like a mother to me, we spent more time together than Kim did with her. She used to share everything with me and one day she told me a story of a beautiful high school couple who made one terrible mistake they couldn't make it right no matter what.

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