Chapter Forty Seven- SURE JERK!

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Chapter Forty Seven: SURE JERK!

I woke up due to my crazily running nose. Maybe going on the roof when it was freezing, wasn't such a blasting idea.

Ugh! I groaned and twisted on the couch.

His cent was still surrounding. I didn't remember when he got us back down but I remember his lips on my temple when he said 'Night' to me.

How can my last night be the worst and then the best at the same time?

A blush crawled up to my cheeks and I wrapped myself deeper in his thin blanket.

Oh, I am turning into a freak!

My head was pounding but, not as severely as last time. I only had a beer or two last night. I grabbed my phone as read Soph's text, telling me all about her cute little apartment and how she's being treated like she's a celebrity. I was happy for her.

I texted her and Kimmy about my night and Kim replied quickly.

Kim- Tell me you guys are finally together.

I blushed again. Ugh.

Me- No!

And then I looked up and around, knowing he was gone. Why? I felt a pang in my heart and texted Kim to get me.

She replied with 'On my way'.

I climbed off the couch and regretted doing it in seconds. I jumped and plopped back down on the couch.

"Jeez!" I looked for my boots.

The were by the kitchen.

I groaned out loud and tip toed quickly, and shoved my feet into them, sighing. I made my loose hair in a messy bun.

Once I was all ready to go, which included wearing boots only, I saw a white folded paper along with glass of water and Tylenol.

Déjà vu?

With a hope in my heart that this time it could be better, I unfolded it and read,

*Meet me at 6 at Brook with money.*

Wow... That's it...?

"C'mon!!! you jerk!" I growled to his empty apartment. This time I did something.

I couldn't find a pen so I grabbed the ketchup and wrote with capital letters on his counter-top, "SURE JERK!"

Why do I always expect and get hurt?

I pushed back the tears and stomped out of his apartment.


"What are we doing hea?" Ky's animated voice reached my ears and I glanced down at him, smiling.

I knelt down to be his eye level, "Look, I know this might sound bad but, I really have no idea about what you might like for your birthday... So, I thought I should just pick you up and let you decide." He giggled and nodded.

I kissed his cheek, " But on Saturday you have to pretend to be surprised." I even showed him how to be amazed.

He laughed and did it after me. I ruffled his hair. "Perfect. Now, let's moving."

He was wearing a fluffy red sweat with dark jeans and sneakers. His hair fell over his forehead in bangs, making him look the cutest thing in the world.

I mad sure his seatbelt was tied and then I did mine. I had to convince Mr. Miller into letting me take Ky without Evan knowing. I had to even pretty please him but it was all worth it in the end.

I made a quick spot at the ice cream parlor for him and then we headed for the mall.

"Are there games in the mall?" He asked, licking his waffle coke chocolate ice cream.

I beamed at him and nodded. "Yes. A lot of."

"Will you let me play?" He jumped in his seat but the belt around him held him tight and secured.

I chuckled and nodded. "Whatever you want."

Around three hours of going from aisle and aisle of toys, games, he decided on few things. The played gamed for an hour.

By the time I had to take him back, he was grinning from ear to ear.

I crouched down and asked, "Did you had fun?"

"This much..." He extended his arms horizontally and I hugged him, ceasing the opportunity with open arms.

He giggled and hugged me back.

"You are the best thing happen to us..." He said, when I was buckling him again.

I couldn't believe he just said that.

"Same here buddy." I kissed his head, as he leaned back comfortable. I knew he would be asleep the time we get back.

"Same here buddy...." I whispered again. Evan and Ky had filled the void which I'd always felt in me no matter what. Which I had thought would never go away.


I was already late when I parked my car and got out. I wrapped my arms around me. The wind was howling, clearly not happy.

I tightened my jacket around me and placed my hands in the pocket, walked to the lake. I knew where to find it.

I made sure I didn't look like a zombie and walked over to Nobody, who stood with his back to me. The muscles in his back, flexing.

Not good.

He was throwing pebbles in the water and looked like a mess.

I strode towards him. "Hi,"

"You brought it?" No hey or hello?

You know what? I was even getting used to this rude habit of his.

"Yes." I was mad now. Who would be?

Finally he turned around and locked eyes with me.  His face completely masked. I couldn't tell what he was thinking. He only kept staring at me, deadpanned.

What's with the look?

I unzipped my sling bag and handed over the sum to him.

His Adam apple bobbed, "I'm meeting him tonight." I could clearly hear the broken notes in his voice.

I stepped forward, getting closer and touched his arm. I wanted to do more than touch his arm to comfort him, but I knew it wasn't the right time.

"Will you be okay?"

He slightly nodded and looked away.


He turned around to leave, but I held his hand and moved in front of him. I tip toed and wrapped my arms around his neck. Letting him know I was here for him, no matter what.

I inhaled his strong cologne mixed with... no cigarettes. It was a good surprise. I spoke, "I know you can do this. Don't be afraid. Evan is your son and will always be. No one can take him away from you... You got this, okay."

I just knew what he wanted to hear in that moment and told the truth.

"Thanks, Reynold. I should go."

We pulled away.

Oh, I don't want to let go... please.

"Just give me call when it's done..."

He nodded and immediately stomped away while I just sat there throwing pebbles in the water, recalling the last time we both were here.

Falling For Mister Nobody [COMPLETED]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon