The Past and The Coronation Cermony

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[not edited]


*the past *

"come on Adrian you know you want me"My old fling would say because she was always in the mood even when im not.

I know what your thinking, 'What Adrian had a girlfriend and didn't wait for his mate!? " Well no and yes....

Yes,because I did have a girlfriend before my mate.And no,only because I gave into pure pressure and suduction like...

when are going to get your mate?

I bet you'll never find her.

How will you take over without a queen?

Dude,when are you going to get layed!?

Honestly, I didn't want to go on without my mate but on the other hand I thought I would never find her.Then, I soon fell into depression from me and my wolf Thomas yearning the touch or even a sense of our mate.

Soon, she came and sex with her was the only outlet or release I had. But soon as I found my mate I cut all that off and she didn't quite take it well. She was a gold digging slut,and all she wanted was to be Luna and control every one.

*Present *

Soon I met my beautiful mate Christina and everything I did or will do is to please her.She is so sweet and innocent, and I will destroy anyone who even looks at her wrong. Possessive, I know right?

But can't help it i'm soon to be Alpha. And who wouldn't want to protect her with her long soft black hair,big brown eyes and soothing nature I would do anything for her. I can't wait to have pups with her maybe just one or two however much she wants.

I hope she will stop putting herself down like that,it tears me apart to see her cry like that knowing that I wasn't there to protect her.If I ever see that son of a bitch ex-mate of hers I will punch him so hard...But lets no worry about that right now.My baby has to get ready for her coronation ceremony to become Luna!


'We have to get ready! Everyone is waiting!'Aviaonna said very excited. Ever since she heard about the coronation ceremony she's been all purky and excited lately.

.'okay,okay we have to wait until Adrian's helpers come and help us get ready. Calm down.'I told her.

Then there was a knock at the door and two twin girls around my age came in. One had a red streak in her hair and the other had blonde.

"Hi,Luna we are here to do your hair.."the red one said.

"and makeup" the other one said.

"Girls, im not Luna yet.And if I was I would like for you call me Christina or Chrissy Luna sounds to stuck up."I smiled at them.

They smiled back and in snyc they said "okay, then let's get started."

Once they were done my hair was in long lose curls and I had light makeup with a little blush and lipgloss. I had on a loose white mid- thigh dress on with a medium trail on the back.

"Looks like our work here is done... "The blonde one said.

"Yea,come on let's go!"The other one continued as they dragged me out the door.

{S/N: I had to cut it short because there is going to be alot of drama in the next two chapters.But aren't you wondering who the girl Adrian used to be with is??? You tell I'm just the writer how should I know?
:P }

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