Secrets To Be Told

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[not edited ]

song for this chapter: Flatline -Justin Bieber I know I usually don't do songs but I love this song and thought it would go with the chapter.


...A week later

I was in our room breast feeding 'Bassy'. Yup,that's the nickname the twins gave him. -_- My baby is not some type of fish.

I fixed myself,burped him and put him in his crib then mind -linked Zakiya and the Twins.

'Could you guys watch Sebastian for a while? '

'Of coarse we love him!'the twins screamed in my head.

Once they came in I told then I was just going out to clear my head.They looked at me curiosly,but nodded anyway.

I went to the mirror room, Adrian had built for me.

As I stood looking in the mirror,I still ask.

Why? Why don't I feel as beautiful as he says I am.

"Not feeling yourself today?"an high-pitched voice said.

I gasped and clutched my hand to my chest. I turned to see a girl she had long blonde hair,way to much make up for my liking and a dress that was way to tight.

Pack slut. Was the first thing that popped in my head, but I shouldn't judge a book by it's cover she could be harmless for all I know right?

"He's not all he's cracked up to be you know."she said snapping me out of my thoughts.

"huh?"I asked unsure of what she ment.

She proped herself off the door frame and walked towards me with a smirk.

"Adrian, he doesn't love you. He's only with you because of that baby.He loves me we had sex just the other day.Here look for yourself "she tossed me a phone.

Tears weld up in my eyes when I seen what I saw it was Adrian and her having sex.

When I looked up to say something she was gone.I just sat there crying looking at the screen.

When I finally regained my composure, Adrian came in looking worried. I mentally scoffed. Like he actually cares.

"Baby what's wrong?"he aske trying to hug me but I pushed him away. He stumbled a bit.

"Don't you baby me!You have no right to say that me after you didn't even wait for me and slep with some pack slut!"His eyes widened act shock a what I just said.

I was in shock also at my new found confidence, and I liked it.

"Chrisy,let me explain -"I cut him off.

"No, you had enough time to explain! I would have been alright with you telling me this before Sebastian was born,but NO I had to here it from the women you've been sleeping with!"I screamed tears running down my face.

I shock my head and spoke in a whisper "I thought you said that was the last time you'd ever hurt me?"

"Just let me explain -"he tried again with tears now in his eyes. But I cut him off again.

"GET OUT ADRIAN!"I said flinging the phone across the room cracking a mirror.

He looked at me one last time and slowly walked out.


I ran out of the house and slammed the door behind me.

Before shifting into my wolf Thomas I knocked down a tree in anger.

I just kept running, I didn't care where.

'I told you to wait for our mate and you didn't listen! Now she and Aviaonna hate us!'Thomas spat at me.

I stopped dead in my tracks when I heard my mate howel in pain.

'Mate in trouble!'Thomas growled.

'Adrian come quick we're under attack! 'Warren said threw mind-link.

'Rogues!' Brandon screamed.

I ran as fast as I could and heard a baby cry.


I saw a huge crowd of wolves fighting outside the pack house some from my pack some unknown.

I just ran straight threw them and dashed upstairs.

What shocked me the most was what I saw.

I saw Zakiya and the twins passed out in the corner in human form,and two rogues in front of one white wolf standing infront of the crib protecting the pup inside screaming.


She snarled at them and one jumped at her pinning her to the ground and the other came after me once he noticed I was there.

I jumped at him and grabbed him by his neck with my fangs and ripped his throat out and flung him across the room.

Then saw Christina fighting the other one off.She was on top nipping at him and growling until he bit her legg.She whimpered in pain and fell to the floor.

That set Thomas off.

'HE HURT MATE! KILL HIM!' I lunged at him as he was towering or her when she changed in human form from the pain.

We were wrestling for quite a while until I did the same to him as I did his accomplis.

I then changed into human form not caring that I was stark naked and walked over to Christina and cradled her in my arms.

She weakly kept banging on my chest trying to push me away tears down her cheeks saying "I hate you, I hate you, I hate you."

I didn't let go I just held her tighter, she finally stopped and hugged me back sobbing into my chest.

A special thanks to @debbie_evanfurn because honestly I didn't know what to write after I wrote the chapter about Adrian's past until she wrote:

"so he is already starting out with lies and secrets that will come back to bite him in the a$$ and break her heart beyond repair"

This Chapter is dedicated to you! Thanks for getting me out of my writers block!

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