Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

"Michael, you have to hold still or I'll never get it cut straight!" Amelia scolded testily as she held the scissors in her hand and sat on the bed behind him.

"Sorry," Michael mumbled, attempting to adjust his bad leg on the floor and ease a bit of the pain. Sitting on his backside on the hard floor was hurting his battered body terribly but he didn't want to complain to Amelia; not when she was helping him. It seemed Amelia had an idea to make him more attractive for Allie.

While Michael had blushed furiously and not known how to respond to that when it had come bursting from the girl's mouth, Amelia seemed certain of her abilities. Michael knew he was a monster and would never be seen as attractive but he wanted to amuse Amelia's wishes because he truly liked the girl and didn't want to let her down.

"Now hold still and I'll cut your hair a bit, but not too much. I think it looks good with some length to it. I just have to cut off all the dead inches at the bottom and then we'll try to get it combed out some."

Michael hadn't had his hair cut or combed since he'd been a little boy and Harriot had done it for him. He did his best to sit very still but nearly jumped and ruined his valiant efforts when he heard the snipping of the scissors and felt the slight tug at the back of his dark hair.

"The first cut has been done, now hold still or it'll be all crooked," Amelia warned.

Michael nodded, which earned him a frustrated grumble from Amelia and he found himself laughing quietly as he held as still as possible. Amelia made short work of the hair cut and when she was done, Michael reached back and realized that his hair fell only to his shoulders now instead of hanging down his back in a tangled mess.

"Much better," Amelia beamed. "I used to watch Allie cut girl's hair at the orphanage and I don't think I did half bad doing it on my own for the first time. Now I just have to comb this mess out...."

Michael whimpered in pain when Amelia dragged a comb through his tangled hair. Amelia hugged his neck from behind, "I'm sorry, Michael. I know it's going to hurt but you'll feel so much better once it's done."

Michael nodded and bit his tongue and Amelia went about her task. In an attempt to block out the pain that the girl was inflicting on his already battered head, Michael pictured Allie's face in his mind. He pictured the way her brown eyes had looked so deeply into his earlier and the way her thumb had traced his lip... his insides seemed to tangle up and his palms grew sweaty.

He couldn't help but wonder if Allie felt any of the same things that he did when they were together.

"And I'm done!" Amelia leapt from the bed and came around him, beaming with pride. "I did good!"

Michael ran his hand over his hair and was pleasantly surprised. It felt softer and smoother than he'd ever felt it before. It was still a bit damp from his bath but he could tell that she had gotten out all the knots and tangles and it seemed lighter on his head.

"Thank you," he whispered, a smile pulling on his own lips.

Amelia went to the large mirror in the corner of the room, "Come look"

"No!" Michael quickly shook his head.

Amelia's brow screwed up as she tilted her head, "Why not? Just come look so you can see how good it is."

Michael didn't want to see himself. He had long ago done away with every mirror in the attic and he was in no hurry to be reminded of just what a monster looked like.

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