Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen

Daylight shining against her face roused Allie from her dreams. The subject of her dreams eluded her now but she had a smile on her lips and the remnants of happiness lit up her heart; they had been good dreams.

In the past waking up from good dreams would have made facing reality a letdown but this morning was different.... Allie was wrapped up tight in the arms of an amazing man. His warmth was enveloping her and his breath was teasing her hair.

Allie had never in her life been the type of person who thought about love, marriage or forever; hell every single moment of her life so far had merely been about staying alive to see the next moment, but Michael made her wonder.....

Was it possible that she could fall in love? That someone could love her in return?

Allie snuggled closer and listened to the steady beat of Michael's heart. The way he looked at her couldn't be denied but was it truly love or was it simply gratitude? Did he feel those things for her simply because she was the first woman to ever show him kindness? And how badly would her heart shatter apart were she to get him away from this place only to find that it had not been love at all and he found himself wanting someone else once he realized the entire world was not like his family?

Allie sighed. She was better off not thinking about it. All she needed to focus on was getting him healed and convincing him to leave this house and come with her and Amelia--even though she had no idea where the three of them would go. Everything else would take care of itself and simply get in her way if she chose to dwell on it.

Her good mood thoroughly dashed by her waking thoughts and doubts, Allie slid from the bed. She wrapped her robe around herself and stepped to the window. The sunlight streamed through the panes of glass and Allie let herself soak in their warmth. It was going to be a beautiful day.

A rustling of sheets behind her had Allie turning her head and she saw Michael wincing as he threw his legs over the edge of the bed. Her first instinct was to help him but when she started forward he shook his head and offered her a small smile, "I can it, Allie."

And he did. Rising to his feet, Michael stood and walked over to her, standing beside her as they looked out the window together, "It looks different through a clean window."

"Do you want to go outside?" Allie offered.

She knew instantly his answer was going to be no. The fear that flashed in his blue eyes was intense as he shook his head, "No, no, no. No, I c..can't go outside."

Allie took his hand in hers gently and nodded, "Yes you can, Michael. You can do anything you want to do. You aren't anyone's prisoner any longer. You can have a life."

Michael seemed thoughtful a moment. His eyes still held fear but Allie was certain she saw a bit of hope edging its way in as well, "Is the sun warmer out there?"

Allie squeezed his hand and leaned against him, relishing the warmth of his body, "Come outside with me and feel for yourself," she urged.

For a moment, Allie thought perhaps he was going to agree to come outside with her but then he shook his head and his gaze dropped to the floor, "I...I can't."

Allie nodded with understanding. She knew that Michael had to get over his fear at some point but there was no point rushing him this moment. They still had plenty of time before the Treadwell's would return.

"How about I go see to breakfast?" Allie offered.


"Do you want to come down to the kitchen with me?" Allie hoped he would say yes and for a moment it seemed he might but then he shook his head. She sighed, "Okay then."

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