Chapter 11 Take it or leave it

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I looked around to see flashing lights everywhere and people dancing with red cups in their hands. It was like the club Janie took me to for my birthday. We walked through the living room to the kitchen where actual lights made it easier to see.

"Todd what's up bro?" Travis came over and gave Todd one of those man hugs. "Janie" He said grabbing her hand and placing a kiss on it. She laughed and slapped his shoulder.

"Someone's already drunk I see." She teased him. He gave her a huge grin, he looked over at me before looking me up and down.

"Haskins, I didnt know you cleaned up so well." I shook my head at him and laughed. Travis scored with everyone in school, I had helped tutor him in ninth grade so he always was nice to me. He was gorgous to say the least but nowhere near Drake. Travis seemed to notice him behind me because his eyes went from surpised to shocked.

"Travis this is Drake, Sadie's boyfriend." Janie looked at me and winked and I felt my whole face go red. Travis looked even more surprised at that. They shook hands as I glared at Janie, as usual she just gave me an innocent smile.

"Beer is in the fridge, mixed drinks on the counter, ice in the freezer. Dont throw un on any furniture and don't pass out and expect to wake up normal." Travis flashed us a toothy grin as he eyed a brunette walking behind us. "On that note." He said pointing at her walking away. "I'm off." He took off after her as we all laughed. Todd held up his keys as Janie offered him a bud light.

"I'll drive, I cant drink anyways." Drake took the keys out of Todd's hand and put them in his pocket.

"Thanks man." Todd grabbed the beer off Janie and she went to make herself a drink. Drake motioned for me to go with her.

"I'm not going to if you cant." He shook his head.

"Sadie have fun." I smiled at him and took off after her. She handed me a green mixture and I happily tried it, I smiled as the alcohol warmed me. I chugged that one down within minutes and she made me another one. I walked back to Drake to see him talking with some of the other players.

"I didn't know you played we should get a game going soon." Andrew a junior was talking to him as I came over. I smiled at him as I lifted the cup to my lips. They finished their conversation and we made our way to the backyard where at least fifty kids were drinking around a giant keg. One guy was upside down on top of it as people were shouting out the seconds he was on. I laughed when he spit it out and stumbled away from it before falling to the ground. I had finished my second drink and it had been replaced with a stronger one from Jaine as she met us outside.

I cringed as this one hit my throat, it burned as it went down. "Jesus Janie what is this." She gave me a shrug as we all sat at the table. We talked and giggled as we drank drink after drink. I looked around and of course my worst nightmare was standing on the other side of the yard with his buddies. He looked at me and sneered before saying something to his friends and pointing at me before they all started laughing. I watched as Drake stood and started walking over towards them. I didn't even realize he saw.

What do I do? He can't get into trouble. I looked at Todd and pleaded him to stop him, he nodded and took off after him. I watched as he caught up to Drake and was talking to him before they made it to Adam and his group. Todd pointed back to me and then at himself, how I wish I could hear the conversation.

Drake nodded but I could still see the frustration on his face, we watched as Todd walked over to the group and put his arm around Adams shoulders, he started telling them something and soon they were all pissing themselves while Adam looked embarrassed and stormed off. I continued drinking as they came back over to us laughing. Drake had undeniably the best laugh and it wasn't often that I got to hear it. He came back and sat on the bench I was on, I stood and moved over until I was sitting sideways on his lap throwing my hands around his neck.

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