Chapter 17 You make me sick

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After four hours and twenty six missed calls from Janie and my parents later I arrived at the carnival. I parked and ran towards it but was crushed when I saw that it had a big sign on it. "Closed for maintenance?" I whispered. "Closed for maintenance!" I yelled out louder throwing my hands in the air, causing passerby's to turn and look at me. I slumped down to the pavement and put my head in my hands. I sat there for a while with my feet stretched out in front on my until I heard a small voice.

"Excuse me miss are you alright?" An older woman was peering down at me while I squinted up at her.

"Yes I'm fine, I'm sorry." I said as I stood up.

"The rides will be open tomorrow, but I'm sure that's not the real reason your here." I smiled I guess I was an easy person to read. "People come and go, things change but that's life my dear, a series of changes. You should never be upset by others or you give them all the power." And with that she patted my shoulder and walked away. She was right, I was giving Drake the fuel to my fire. I brushed off my pants and held my head up high all the way to Todd's truck. A few wise words had made me rethink.

After another four long hours I made it home and was surprised to see no lights were on. I looked at the clock it was past ten, they must be sleeping. I went upstairs and changed into my pjs and crawled into my bed and for the first time in ages fell into a peaceful sleep.

I woke up to my alarm blaring, no wait, it wasn't an alarm it was my mother screaming. She lectured me about everything from driving to not picking my my calls and so on and so forth until I quickly ran into my bathroom telling her I needed to shower before school. I dressed myself in sexy clothes and did my hair and makeup. Janie thankfully was early and I hopped in her car blowing my mothers angry face a kiss before we sped off.

School was busy as usual and people were already getting antsy about graduation in a few weeks. I can't believe I had spent four years with these people and barley gotten to know any of them, that woman had pushed my fears aside and with or without Drake I was going to live my life.

I marched up the front steps and into the hallway, we still had twenty minutes left before home room. I saw Travis standing with a group of football players and causally strode up to him. He stopped talking and looked me up and down before giving me a sexy smirk.

"Look who found her body." He motioned to me and I smiled, my low cut white shirt and short skirt were barley keeping my skin covered.

"Travis I was wondering, there is this book on the top shelf of my locker that I just can't seem to reach. Do you think you can come help me?" I batted my eyelashes at him and his smirk widened as I led him to the locker followed by the rest of his group. I looked over and saw Drake and Clarissa talking but decided to make things a little more interesting. I opened my locker and stood up on my tip toes letting my skirt ride up in the back revealing my lacy underwear. "See Travis? It's that one." I said pointing to the book. He reached up and pulled it out with ease and I flashed him a seductive smile before I leaned up and kissed him on the cheek. "You're the best." I said as I walked away from them, not once looking back to see Drake's reaction.

Janie stared at me wide eyed and mouth gaping as I took her hand and pulled her with me. "What book did you need?" She asked. I handed it to her. It was my junior year physics, she almost died laughing as we past by a trash barrel and I threw it in. "He was pissed but he covered it up after Clarissa started nagging." I smiled. Good.

However things were not good. For the next two weeks I teased Travis and Drake seemed unaffected by my charade I needed to up the antics. I saw my usual lunch table with Todd but winked at him as I went over to Travis's table. I sat down next to him and he wrapped his arm over my shoulders, I felt bad that I was leading him on like this but who knows? Travis was hot and Drake was an asshole, maybe things were in for a change. I placed my hand on Travis's thigh and watched as he stiffened trying to keep his voice normal while talking to his friends. I moved it slowly up and down his thigh until he looked like he was gonna explode, he turned to me and grabbed my face with both hands before he crashed his lips onto mine. What just happened?

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