Chapter Four: A Stolen Dance

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Edward returned to the ballroom in search of another débutante to please his aunt. Nevertheless, the heat of the overcrowded ballroom had him seeking a reprieve. A cool night breeze blew through the open doors leading out to the terrace. In preference of his comfort, he leaned his shoulder against the doorjamb and folded his arms across his wide chest without concern for his appearance.

His thoughts remained on his ships at sea, instead of the dancers. A concern for their well-being haunted him. They were either fighting pirates or traveling home. Edward had found little help in his worries regardless of the money he had won at cards.

He was picturing a battle his men would have with cannons firing against pirates, when he heard the delicious sound of husky feminine laughter. All thoughts vanished. Intrigued by such deep, sensual laughter, he immediately began searching the crowd for her.

A crooked devilish grin slid his lip up when he heard the rumbling, melodious sound. At that moment, he took particular notice of a dainty brunette standing with her back to him. A fashionable young gentleman bowed over her hand, offered his arm, and escorted her onto the dance floor. Edward quickly lost sight of her. Debs wore pale white or light pastel gowns and she was no exception. Although he had noticed the pearls intertwined amongst the curls of her coiffure. It offered him something to look for.

He waited until the music ended to try and catch another glimpse of her. The moment he spotted the pearls, he kept her in sight as not to lose her again. She joined her friends across the room. For a moment, he considered heading in her direction. However, with her return brought an entourage of admirers. The young men surrounding her rallied for her attention. Apparently, her sense of humor was clever. For each time she commented, the men responded with energetic amusement. This was a rarity. Men did not express such pleasure about dressmakers or the mundane, even if they were young sons of the peerage.

The moment another waltz began, they opened up a path to allow her escort to lead her to the dance floor once again. She moved with lovely grace as she glided across the floor with her partner. Edward studied her slender stature long enough to notice her creamy shoulders and strong, shapely arms. Such strength told him she indulged in archery or sculpting. His gaze traveled lower to the plump flesh of her breasts as they peeked above the edge of her low bodice. His mouth went dry at the thought of caressing them.

He continued to watch her polite behavior. She had a way of tipping her head as she listened to her dance partner. Not only was she graceful and surefooted, the placement of her hands on his arm screamed of trained correctness. She looked relaxed, but she was alert. It dawned on him the difference between her and other women he had known. Everything about her showed confidence. His smile grew larger when he realized most men failed to have such strength.

Some carried an heir about them because of money. He had no doubt she came from such, but it was more. She had such a mystery about her he was intrigued as well as determined to learn more.

Her partner turned her in a circle moving towards the opposite side of the dance floor. Edward followed them to keep her within sight. To his disgruntlement, he had failed to catch but a fleeting glimpse of her face. He knew without a doubt that this girl was not only an original but beyond compare.

He found it curious that he had never noticed her before, even though it was most unusual for him to attend the balls. Intimate soirées afforded conversations with the fair sex, but his lovable aunt had desired to throw a grand party. He knew the bash tonight had more to do with her determination to see him wed and procure an heir than celebrate her birthday with hundreds of the peerage. His cooperation, from time to time, eased her infernal determination on the subject, mainly because she felt he was making an effort.

En garde, Milady, Saber Dance Series, Book 1 (Sample Only) now on AmazonWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu