Chapter Eight: An Apology with Reward

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Gabriella instantly knew the mistake she made. She had clung to assumptions instead of seeking the truth. Adele was right, asking him was the only way. "Last night you left the ball with another woman. I'm afraid I thought she was your paramour, and the magic, as you say, was only an illusion in my eyes."

His gaze swung to look at her. "That woman happens to be my sister Pauline. I had planned to introduce you, but she fell ill. Since her husband failed to attend, I had no choice but to see her home. After seeing her settled, I returned to the ball, but you were gone."

She slowly reached out and laid her hand on his forearm. "Please, forgive me for misjudging you. We know little about one other, and the stories I have heard about the ton influenced my misconception. I have heard it bandied about that some men bring their mistresses to such gatherings." Her conscience clamped down harder. "I know my jealousy with what I witnessed ruled my thoughts. Your sister is quite beautiful." His slow smile proved she had done the right thing by admitting her mistake. "Is she feeling better?"

"Pauline is with child. She tells me her sickness comes and goes. I shall introduce you at the Lawrence bash tonight. She is married to the Earl of Farleigh. Hopefully, he will be in attendance, but if he fails to come, don't be surprised if I have to take her home once more."

"She is fortunate to have you attend her. Have you always been close?" His hesitancy had her cringing. The personal question among the elite was considered a faux pas, but she would not consider marriage to a total stranger as some of the débutantes were willing to do.

Edward stared straight ahead. "Actually, our parents raised us separately due to their estrangement. Pauline was raised at Bradford Hills, one of our country estates, while I was taken to Greystone to be tutored for my station. I was not yet ten years of age. After such time, we rarely saw one another. Father would not allow my mother's influence. He died while I was at sea leaving me no choice but to return home to get his affairs in order.

"My mother spent little time in coming to me with her demands to pay off her gaming debts, which her allowance failed to cover." He turned his head to look at Gabriella and expected shock, but saw no sign of it. "I did so, but warned I would no longer be responsible. Her next debt could land her in Newgate. When the ton learned of my warning, she was given the cut direct.

"I pulled Pauline from my mother's residence and installed her at Greystone, where we became acquainted. Later that year, I learned my father had promised Pauline to Lord Farleigh. They married two years past." Gabriella's quiet interest encouraged him to add, "She seems content."

His willingness to share his life brought about a new aspect of intimacy that relaxed all caution urging her to ask, "You are not sure?"

He shook his head with remorse. "I am not pleased with his actions of late."

Edward was obviously a protector by nature, which pleased her enormously. He had the capability of caring deeply. "Has he hurt her?"

"Pauline needs him at a time like this. Instead, he can be found at his clubs more often than at home." He refused to mention the fact that the man had yet to give up his paramour and Pauline knew about it. Gabriella's confession about society's perspective of such behavior matched the teaching of his mother, who had taught Pauline such was acceptable as well as expected. Women were to stay faithful until such time as sons were born.

"Edward, do you know whether or not she will stay here for the duration of her confinement, or retire to the country?"

"I am unsure, but I will ask." He could see her concern. "Do you have siblings?"

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