chapter five

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"Okay, boys, get a hold of yourselves. I need to squeeze in my five and twenty years of knowledge into your heads because my mother is about forty seconds out."

Lord Olliston rolled his eyes, he dare underestimate her? "Your mother cannot be that bad,"

"She is not bad, oh she is good. Too good. She will shank you both if you let her smell your fear."

"Damn," Lord Fortensum smelled his armpits as a mischievous mirth made its way upon his lips, "My fear must smell heavenly, then.

"Shut your ego, class is in session." I scolded, motioning both their big heads into a huddle formation. "Alright, firstly, my mother is a gingersnap. A name and storm I have endured and will never conquer, so I bestowed that label upon her wrath."

"Honestly, Adeline." Lord Olliston looked over my shoulder and then looked back towards me. "She seems to me like a lovely woman."

My head snapped towards his as conspiratorially muttered, "That is what she wants you to think,"

"Why are we whispering?" Lord Fortensum whispered.

"If we do not lower our voices she will hyphen her senses and prey on our misfortune,"

"What does that even mean?"

"Exactly," I quieted my voice even lower and murmured as if she was listening because she probably was. "Now back to the rules," My head quipped up to it's original stature and did a quick once over the surrounding area, "Do not under any circumstances, no matter what she does or what she will do, never ever speak."

"Wh—we can not speak?"

"Yes, so simple hopefully you two can not butcher it."

"Well, what if—"

"No." I shook my head. "Just no."

"How could we—"

"You see? You are already breaking the first rule," My thumb and fore finger rubbed the tops of my temples. "Oh this is going to be a massacre,"

Lord Olliston scoffed and took a brisk drink out of his glass, as Lord Fortensum sniffed, "You have absolutely no faith in us."

"Well yes, of course I do not." I stated monotonously, "Is it not obvious? That is why we are even having this conversation. Have you not been listening?"

"I happen to be a great listener, among other things." Lord Olliston mused arrogantly, "You presumably noticed, but I am quite the charmer when it come to the ladies."

I obnoxiously snorted at his outrageous pride and crossed my arms, "Wrong. My mother and certainly along with a variable quantity of women, loathe you."

"That is impossible." Honestly, I sincerely think he has gone mad. "I never leave a woman without a satisfied smile, one way or the another. I am sure your mother is no different."

"Incorrect notion, my Lord, I must say you are on a roll." My eyes rolled as I aguishly released a concerned breath for the forthcoming headache. "My mother is not just simply different, she is indifferent. She will cut and dice you into small precise pieces until you will not be able to remember who you were before."

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