Chapter Twenty

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It had all gone by so fast after this. The ambulance took Abigail to the hospital with Caleb, Lily, and Kiana following close behind in their own car. Emotions were running wild. Caleb was angry at the intruder and ready to murder someone. Lily was scared and worried for her elder daughter. And Kiana...poor little Kiana was terribly scared, worried, and she felt guilty as she feels all of this is her fault.

Silent tears were running down the Neko's face as she struggled to hide them. What if Abby dies? What would Caleb and Lily do to her then? The more she thought about it, the more it upset her and she let out a quiet sniffle. 

Now, this caught Lily's attention. Her head turned down to her lap and she used a finger to gently scratch Kiana's ear. "It'll be alright little one. I need you to just try and stay calm, okay?" She murmured softly, attempting to hug the small child.

"B-But what if it's not?!" Kiana cried out, her face falling into her hands as she began to sob loudly. "I-It's my f-fault! I-I shouldn't have woken her u-up!" 

"Kiana! Don't you dare say that! If you hadn't woken her up both of you could be hurt, or dead right now! And myself and Caleb for that matter. You were very brave and did the right thing. Abigail should have come and gotten us up, but she was also smart and dialed the police so the ambulance got here in time. Don't you dare think it's your fault. Because it's not." Her tone changed as she spoke. It fluctuated between stern, sad, and comforting several times but it managed to calm Kiana down as she was now snuggled into her stomach. 

The young Neko didn't say anything as she attempted and succeeded to calm down a little bit. Instead, she leaned into her adoptive mother's touch, her soft sniffles slowly fading. 

"Take the time to be a child. Cry all you want." Lily murmured very softly, her finger still petting the young Neko's hair. "You're our daughter now, we're your parents." 

Her voice was soft and comforting, and Kiana was finally able to understand what having a real family was like. Her brown eyed gaze turned to Caleb and she started to speak. "M-Master Caleb?" She whispered.

"What?!" His voice boomed angrily, his knuckles white as he gripped the steering wheel in a fit of rage. They'll be lucky if he doesn't get his hands on the man who shot Abigail. Otherwise, he might wind up being the one charged with murder.

Kiana let out a startled yelp from his tone and she buried her face against Lily as her small body began to tremble violently again. "N-Nothing!" She yelled fearfully and quickly, her hands clutching onto the fabric of the shirt.

"Caleb!" Lily spoke with a frown, her hands holding Kiana close. "Kiana, don't worry about him. He's just worried about your sister, okay? He cares about you." 

Nodding timidly, the Neko remained silent for the rest of the drive to the hospital, only listening to the sound of the ambulance that is in front of them.

As soon as the ambulance had arrived at the hospital, Abigail was rushed into a room for surgery, leaving Caleb, Lily, and Kiana in the waiting room to worry.

Lily was sitting in a chair with Kiana laying in her lap, watching her husband pace back and forth across the for muttering rather angry things to himself. His brown hair was flopping across his face, his dark green orbs filled with a furious anger.

"Caleb dear you need to take a deep breath. You're going to scare Kiana, and we don't want to be worried about both of our children."  

"Lily I can't calm down! My daughter has been shot!" He shouted, pushing a hand through his slightly sweaty hair.

As Lily opened her mouth to say something else, a young nurse walked into the room, her soft blue eyes landing on Kiana. "If you'd like me to take a look at the little ones face, I can make sure her cuts and eye aren't infected while you wait for your daughter." She asked softly with a warm smile.

"Oh, yes, that would be wonderful." Lily stood with her adoptive daughter. "And she is also my daughter by the way. Her name is Kiana." 

The nurse looked surprised only for a moment before she nodded her head and her smile remained. "Of course. Please follow me." She turned and walked out of the waiting room with Lily following close behind, Kiana cupped to her chest.

Caleb watched his wife and new daughter leave the room with his hands balled into fists. His anger was still bubbling furiously, but due to his wife's request he closed his eyes and tried to calm himself down while he waited.

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