Chapter Fifty-Two

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*Alexandrielle's POV*

Tears freely ran down my cheek as my heart continues to tear and squeeze painfully. My chest constricts with the amount of pain I feel, and this time, it's not mine. It's Zach's.

I can't believe he went through all a young age? I can't help but imagine all the pain he've been through. And the thought that he faced all of those alone has me feeling as if my lungs are being crushed and stepped on.

My sight became blurred with all the amount of tears that wants to leak out. Even though I try so hard not to let them flow, I just couldn't! I feel like I've been weakened with all the things that I learned.

I watched blurry-eyed as Zach took a whip from the wall and walked towards me. My heartbeat accelerated as he approached me.

No no no no no!

Handing the whip to me, I can't help the way my hands shook to the point where I thought it may fall.

"Why?" I asked in a tiny voice. After all he's been through he still wants to be whipped. I can't anymore. He doesn't deserve this!

"Like you, you lost your innocence to someone. In return you were whipped. It's just fair for me to receive the same punishment for I've done the same" my hands shook even harder at his perceptive.

"You didn't want it to happen" I said in a shaky voice that I even feel my legs shaking with the effort of standing. Why can't he just fight for himself? He doesn't deserve this!

"It still happened" he said in that icy voice of his that has me flinching. Gazing up into his eyes, I searched that black orbs of him for any trace of Zach still left in them; but I can't. He had sealed himself away completely and all that is in front of me now is just the shell of him. He no longer wants to let anyone in because I have ruined him. I've ruined the chance of him finding the happiness he deserves, his hope of a better life, and most of all; I've crushed his heart.

"But-" I started but he cut me off.

"You promised me" that immediately shut me up.

Taking a deep breath in, I faced him. "As far as I remember, I didn't agree to promise anything" I tried to made my voice even and stern but that failed me miserably just seeing his dead eyes fixated on mine.

"That's because I didn't ask you to. I told you" was his reply that has my shoulders hunching forward in defeat. "You will deliver the punishment Alexandrielle" my eyes watered further. Alexandrielle? Does that mean I'm not important to him anymore?

Taking the seatbelt off and leaning towards him, I kissed his cheek and smiled. "Thanks for the nickname...I like it" I told him sincerely. I never had nicknames before. Just counter names like midget, princess and whatnot. Tyler did give me one but I never put such importance to it. But with Zach, the very first guy that had made my heart flutter and give me mixed emotions, it became the most precious to me.

"Glad to give you one. Alexandrielle is quite a long name to just utter everytime but it's unique like the person who owns it" he said while staring at me in the eye with so much sincerity.

A stupid smile crept in my face and I couldn't help it!

"So why bother giving me a nickname then?" I asked as he continues to drive.

"Because if a person gives another person a nickname, it means that that person is very special to him" he said and butterflies fluttered in my stomach while my crazy heart is being...crazy again.

My eyes watered at the memory as longing burst out in my chest as my tears flowed down like waterfalls.

Zach approached the two poles as he positions himself in the middle of it. Mr. Harrison didn't waste any time as he tied both of Zach's wrist at each chain of the pole. Mr. Harrison wears a mask of impassiveness but I didn't miss the way his hands tremble slightly. A sob escaped me as I take him in.

Scars of the past littered his back along with a dark three angry ones that lines his upper left shoulder to his right hip. My hands trembled again even more that I have to clutch the whip in both hands to prevent it from falling. My hands turned white due to the fact of holding it so tight.

Suddenly, something pierced my neck and I screamed.

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