Chapter Sixty-Six

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Date Written: October 1, 2017

    AN: I just want to dedicate this chapter to keelyj21 for commenting for the previous chapters. Lots and lots and lots of thanks to you. You really make my day. It gives me such motivation to keep going and this is a credit to you and all of you who are supporting the story. Imagine my cousin's humor when he read your comment saying "I love love love ______" and he's been teasing me non stop even until now -.-. He said thank you for the greet by the way :). Anyways, let's go to the story. I need to really stop my chit chat.


*Zach's POV*

    My mind is twisting, curling into that ball of darkness that wants to consume my entire being. Her pain is unbearable, too much for me to handle as my other side snapped its teeth my way; still enraged with what I did although he's also a part of it.

    I didn't even know what came over me, why I did what I did. It was such a dick move and I'm still having a hard time believing I actually did that to the only girl I ever loved.

    All I remember is a sinister voice whispering in my ear...

    'You're not suppose to be here. You'll only worsen her case and yours. Leave now before you turn her into a monster that will destroy everything it sees that moves'

    I thought it was my imagination, my mind probably playing tricks with me. I even thought I am overdosed by the blaze.

    'You smell that? That growing darkness inside her? You have to leave now that you still haven't seen her'

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