14 | sinister but sensuous

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"You just can't stand to be away from me, can you?"

"I'm dying to have you here with me...but that's not why I actually called." Elijah responded, his voice gravelly; completely laced with lust at the thought of being wrapped up in Kylie's warmth again. But as he completed the second half of his sentence, his voice undertook a rather serious tone.

"And here I was thinking you were calling to tell me how you couldn't wait to have me in that bed with you, again. What's up though?" Kylie sighed in response.

"You know when I was booking the hotel, they were supposed to send out a confirmation booking email with the date and time we're supposed to be checking into the hotel, right?"

"Right." Kylie yawned, carelessly slipping into her skin-tight floral playsuit after snapping yet another semi-nude picture for Elijah as had become ritualistic since he'd left. She'd loved how each picture sent had slowly begun to unleash Elijah's raunchy side, letting the composed pretence melt away; slowly shutting off higher brain function and allowing the animal inside him to awaken. She just knew that the next two nights of passion were going to be utterly mind-blowing.

"Well, I actually thought they'd not sent me it because I usually get email notifications to my phone. But I just checked my emails right now, and they did send it but I didn't get notified because the email has already been opened." He explained, the pace of his words becoming increasingly rapid indicating his current tense state.

"Okay, and I should care, because...?" Kylie droned, her boredom with the conversation increasing with each passing second.

"Because if I didn't open it, it means somebody else did!"

"Wow, you're really overthinking this right now. Firstly, does anyone else even have access to your emails?"

"Not that I know of. But sometimes I forget to log out of the laptop at home, and Jess knows my phone password."

"Wow, Elijah, just wow. I'm constantly astounded by your level of intelligence." She clapped her hands together mockingly, loud enough for it to be heard through the phone line and for him to groan audibly. "Okay, so now that we've well and truly established that you're the definition of an imbecile, you can relax. If Jess had seen it, she'd have said something by now, but I spent the whole day with her yesterday and she was her usual annoying self. And if anyone else magically happened to see it, they'd automatically think it was booked for you and Jess anyway."

"Yeah." He laughed nervously but gradually began to loosen up, "you're right, I probably opened it in a rush and can't remember."

"Exactly. Way to kill a romantic get-away Elijah. This is supposed to be about me and you, so I don't want to hear a single word about Jess or anybody else for that matter, okay?" She replied sternly, phrasing it more as a demand than as a question.

"Okay, just me and you." He whispered, an agreeable trace of huskiness lacing each word before he finally ended the call.

Kylie bit her lip, placing her phone in her little side-bag and making her way downstairs speedily, before entering the kitchen, "Jess, are you okay to give me a ride to Ma's later tonight?"

The hotel was approximately a fifteen-minute walk from Valerie's house and she could've easily taken a bus down there which would obviously have been the decent thing to do but she had wanted to completely cover her and Elijah's tracks. So, asking Jess to drop her off at her Ma's would ensure that Jess really did have no doubts as to Kylie's whereabouts.

"Yeah sure." She smiled a rather insipid smile; the grin not quite causing the usual miniature crinkles around her eyes to appear.

"Is everything okay?" Kylie sighed, leaning her body-weight against the kitchen countertop and giving Jess her undivided attention.

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