10. Mean Boys and Broken Girls ✔

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Sunday/ 23 days left

Leo's POV

So far I've made close to 0 progress in winning Alana over, much less finding out who did that to her.

She's been awfully quiet and not snappy. Plus she's brought home some mutt that she's giving all the attention!

Clawing at the punching bag, I don't even realize that my claws had come out.

Sighing, I slump down, body glistening with sweat.

I sat in my gym/basement panting, when the door slowly creaked open.

I looked up ready to growl at anyone who chose to disturb me, but I slowly turn quiet when I realized it was Alana.

"Hi." She murmured stepping in.

"Well look who it-"

"Don't get stupid before I leave." She snaps and I shut my mouth.

She must be feeling better.

"I just don't want you to feel any pain or suffering since we haven't been in contact for like a whole day." I raise an eyebrow at her. I won't feel pain unless it's been three days but I'm not complaining. If the lady wants to touch me, her wish is my command.

"Oh." Is all I say, kinda wary.

She looks at me expectantly and I guess she's waiting for me to make the first move.

This is awkward. And I'm sweaty.

"Y'know, maybe I should shower first." She let's out an exasperated sigh before nodding and walking out.

This girl is a lot of work I tell you.

Monday/ 22 days left
Alana's POV

I miss how he feels.

Is that weird?

I'm not even a werewolf but its like I just need to be near him.

But noooo, he wants to take a shower.

Grunting for like the fifth time, I grumpily watch my hairy baby sleep.

He's been a really happy pup, always jumping around and protecting me.

He doesn't like Leo very much though...

"What is that?" Leo asks his eyes wide.

"A dinosaur." I deadpan rolling my eyes and walking upstairs.

"Why is it here?"

"Because I want it to be."

"No, no, no. I am not sharing-"

As if it understands what Leo is saying, he jumps of me and runs towards Leo growling adorably. Clamping its tiny jaw around Leos toe, it bites down.

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