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It first happened when I was twelve.

The blushing.

The giggling.

Noticing the way his hair fell over his eyes, his perfectly straight teeth and the way he only seemed to smile with one side of his mouth.

The huge crush on Crispin Holder.

The one Addie teased me about and Jules interrogated me about relentlessly.

The boy who didn't know I existed.

Then it happened again when I was fourteen.

His appalling jokes and my reluctance to laugh in case there was food in my braces. The quiffed hair and enviable eyelashes.

The crush on Isaac Moore.

The one Addie tried to play Cupid for and Jules advised me to avoid.

The guy who became besotted with someone else.

Except here they are - both of them. On the beach. With me.

"It's like Love Island, isn't it?" Jules cooes. She's got a cocktail on the go again and her bikini leaves little to the imagination.

"I've never seen it." I admit and shrug.

"Well, who are you going to choose out of the three of them? I know who I'd pick." She's practically quivering with excitement, her straw placed precariously between her lacquered lips as she eyes them up.

"The three of them?" I repeat. There's only two.

Crispin and Isaac.

And Harry.

He's grinning from ear to ear and wearing those damn canary shorts again. He pushes his hair away from his face as he comes to stand next to them.

What is he doing here? What are any of them doing here?

"There's no choice, surely?" Jules squeaks. "Choose, choose, choose!"

My eyebrows mash together to form a frown. What is she talking about? And why are they staring at me as if I'm about to dish up their dinner?

"Choose what?" I ask. Jules throws her head back and cackles once. It's high pitched and uncomfortable in such close range.

"Which guy do you want? Crispin, Isaac or Harry. Your three crushes."

Blood races to my cheeks in a matter of milliseconds; lighting them up in a furious shade of scarlet. 

"I don't know what you're talking about." I snap defensively. Jules releases the straw and raises a single eyebrow.

"These are the only guys you've ever really shown an interest in. It's time to pick one." She says it so matter-of-factly that she seems almost annoyed that I didn't know already.

"But I've only just met Harry!" I exclaim. "I hardly know him. And as for Crispin and Isaac, that was forever ago. I don't know them at all anymore."

Jules huffs.

"You're so naive." She tells me. "I know you like him, it's right here in your head."

My hands instinctively go to my head.


"Harry, of course." She rolls her eyes. "He's different. You like different."

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