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I slide off the bed; desperate to close the short space between us. My hair is damp against my neck and firing water droplets in all directions but I have to get to Jules. She must only be five paces away from me but it feels like a never ending path. 

I will not let the world be cruel to me anymore. 

I throw myself at her; curling my arms around her neck and bury my face in her right collarbone. There's a high pitched squeak, like the sound of someone desperately trying to hold them self together and I realise that Jules has cracked. I've never seen my strong, fiercely independent Aunt cry before, but right now - she's sobbing. Her whole body is trembling in my hold and my chest feels like it's caving in. 

I never meant to cause this pain. 

It was out of my control. 

Why do I feel so guilty? 

There's a commotion in the doorway; angry, raised voices and heavy, booted footsteps. I turn my head towards it and Suwen marches forward, her clipboard still glued to her chest. There's a determined look on her face and she barks something at two furious looking men - both dressed in matching coffee coloured security uniforms - and hauls everyone out of the room. The door clicks shut.

"I knew we hadn't lost you." Jules says fiercely into my hair. She's still shaking and I tighten my grip almost instinctively. "I knew you would come back to us."

I think my heart is crumbling. Just hearing those words...words that confirm my family thought I was dead. It's devastating.

My poor parents.

"Are Mum and Dad ok?" I choke out and force back the sob that's burning my throat. Jules exhales into my hair, her breath shuddering as much as her body. 

"They will be." She says, sounding more like the determined Aunt I know and love. "It's still early in the UK. I'll call them asap, don't worry." 

The fact I'm standing here; clutching at and conversing with my Aunt whilst my parents are just about to start their day - probably still unaware of my survival - is almost worse than everybody still thinking I'm dead. I just want to be with them.

I just want to be home. 

"Jules?" I inhale her familiar scent; Marc Jacobs Daisy, the one we send her for Christmas every year. The one she hoards the empty glass bottles of. "How did you know? They haven't even rung you yet."

Suwen had promised that someone would contact Jules as soon as my examination was complete. How on Earth could she possibly be here already? She leans away from me; eyes red rimmed and cheeks blotchy red. She's almost laughing and I suddenly feel incredibly embarrassed.

"Honey," she says in her most sarcastic, diva tone. "You're all over regional news. You and Harry Styles, might I add." My face feels hot and I know for sure that I'm blushing. "But we'll cover that topic later." 

Of course she was never going to let that slide. Even at a time like this. 

One of her hands cups my faces and I lean into it. She's looking at me as if she wants to ask something but she's not entirely sure how. "What the fuck happened up there, Sarah?"

Jules never was one for tact. 

I tear my eyes away from her curious ones and am surprised to find myself wishing someone would walk in and interrupt our conversation. Of course I want to talk to Jules. I want to tell her everything. I want her to know how much I fought to be here right now but I can't stop thinking about the fact that Harry is down the hall with no one to talk to. He's alone

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