Chapter 15

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Vampire Enclave
Felan's POV

I stared at the man while he smirked, eyeing me carefully. Kyran scowled. "What do you want, Quentin?"

Quentin shrugged. "I heard you had a new lover and-"

"Stop with the lies." Kyran growled, cutting him off. "Why are you really here?"

Quentin's eyes darkened, and the air around him stiffened. "You know exactly why, dear brother. Your question is why now."

Brother?! They look nothing alike! I studied both of them carefully. Kyran's dark hair, almost blue in the light, was short, longer towards the top. His frame was bigger than Quentin's, and his attitude was stricter. Quentin's hair was long, and stuck up all over. His build was smaller, giving him a sense of being swifter than his brother. The only likeness was their dark, deep red eyes.

"Your Werewolf friend looks afraid. Have you not even thought to tell him about me? I'm hurt."

Kyran scowled. "Felan... Meet my twin brother, Quentin."

"Identical twins!" Quentin chimed in.

"Identical?" I looked between them.

Kyran sighed. "Unfortunately, yes. Our  body sizes might be different, along with our personalities, but we're otherwise the same. Oh, and Quentin has an absurd obsession with hair dye. Last time, it was green."

Quentin frowned. "Should have gone with blue. Maybe next century."

Rolling his eyes, Kyran sighed. "Look, whatever proclamation the Council sent you to make, make it and then leave."

"Well... It's not that simple."

"Why not?!" 

"You see, the council caught wind of you and your Werewolf mate. They said it was absolutely outrageous and that it could never actually happen, that it was just a sick joke."

"Get on with it, Quentin." Kyran tapped his foot impatiently, moving his eyes from his brother to me.

Quentin scratched his head. "Well... The council has asked that you remove the Werewolf from your premises." The room went silent, until Quentin added, "I have been sent to take Wolfie here back to his pack."

Before anyone else could move, Kyran's arm shot out, blocking his brother from the staircase. "If you even try to touch him," Kyran's voice was low and deadly. "I'll kill you. Brother or not." 

This made Quentin back up, putting his arms up in defeat. "Calm down. I'm not doing it now. You have exactly two days to say your goodbyes, then I'll take him."

My body froze, but I managed to call out to him. "Please! You can't do this! If you take me back to my pack, they'll..." I trailed off, shuddering to think about what would happen.

Quentin frowned. "They'll... What? Can't you just plead to your leader or something, the Beta?"

I frowned. "Alpha. And no, our Alpha isn't as generous or forgiving as other Alphas. If he see me, who he has labeled as a traitor, on his territory, he won't hesitate to kill me."

"'Other Alphas?' Don't you all just have one Alpha?" Quentin shook his head. "Never mind. I don't want to be anymore confused than I already am. Anyway, there's nothing we can do. If the Werewolves catch wind of you being here, they might think we took you forcibly. It would start an unwanted war. A war the Vampires don't want. And the council's word is law. You know this as well as I, brother. We don't have a choice. Day after tomorrow, the boy is to be returned to his pack."

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