Sebastians Armpits

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"Welcome back, Babe."

Sebastian wraps his free arm around my shoulders and squeezes me closer to him.

Rats, I thought I couldn't gotten away with this one.

It's lunchtime and instead of being in the cafeteria, I was strolling the hallways avoiding the lunchroom.

Sebastian usually ends up in lunch later because he'd rather catch up in school work in a classroom but will eventually go to the cafeteria to eat something.

I guess he caught me shuffling down the hallways and decided to grab a hold on me. Sebastian had me in a nice tight grip to his chest.

Easily, I could've pushed him away and told him to buzz off but I took in a good whiff of his old spice deodorant and snuggled in closer.

I missed Sebastian. I missed the smell of his armpits.

"Feels good to be back, Sebby"

Sebastian squeezes me closer to him and then lets go. His arms close back together to have better support in holding his three books.

All AP books.

Sebastian and I walk together down the hall to the cafeteria. Everyone else seemed to be there already by the way the hallway looked.

My palms begin to feel sweaty and I remember who will all be there.

One being Eli, and that, I don't think I can handle. Unless Olivia really did talk to him.

Then I remember who I have next to me.

"Do you know if Olivia talked to Eli today?"

Sebastian has a huge smile on his face, "Something about ripping out his intestines if he doesn't cool it with you."

My jaw drops at the statement, that can't be true. That's so brutal for Olivia.

"No way."

Sebastian shrugs and glances at me with an arched eyebrow.

"Something like that, he should be taking everything down a notch now, so there should be no problem at the cafeteria."

My stomach flips as we step closer to the cafeteria doors,

"Can't wait."

It's quiet for a moment and Sebastian slows the both of us down while starting to talk,

"I'm proud of you Kimberly."

I probably look like a curious dog when I turn my head towards him in confusion.

"You are?"

He nods with a smile, his brown eyes holding a familiar look I've seen him give to his many younger siblings.

"The way I remember you holding grudges, this is a huge improvment. I thought I was never going to talk to you ever again."

I can feel my eyes roll to hard that is actually reached the back of my head and I slap him away.

" Oh please, there were so many food offers I turned down, I would've caved in eventually ."

Sebastian gives me another big smile and nods.

"I knew it had to be the food."

I nudge Sebastian playfully and shrug at the statement.

"When isn't it?"

Sebastian frees his left arm and slings it around my shoulders, stopping us both before we enter the cafeteria.

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