The 'Ol Index Finger

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Once we were settled in his truck, Eli turns to me and gives me a nervous look with his blue eyes. His truck is running and his heater is blasted but that look still gave me a shiver down my spine.

My heart feels like it's working overtime as it aches at the feeling of beating faster yet again.

This can't be good.

Will I look at him differently? Will this whole friendship circle separate?

He coughs a little to clear his throat,  "I'm sure you can figure it out yourself, but I just want to be the one who clears it up for you"

He doesn't stop to let me talk afterwards and corrects himself,  " I mean I should be the one clearing it up."

I nod at him.

"I would like that very much, that is if there's no one recording us right now?"

He shakes his head.

"Are you planning on making any more moves tonight?"

Without thinking I eyeball his lips and question if they'll be on mine again tonight. My heart beats faster.

He shakes his head and smirks, "Not tonight."

I groan in response, ready to leave the truck. Nope, not today Eli. My hand moves to the handle.

"No, wait."

His hand touches my shoulder and I turn my head to him.

"Are you going to take this conversation seriously?"

"Yes." He spits out, shocked at the sudden mood swing. My eyes narrow at him as I watch for any sign of smirking.

"Good, go for it."

He sighs and closes his eyes while pulling his head back into the head rest of his car seat. This movement makes him look exhausted. Like he's been using up so much energy and is worn out for the day.

"I don't even know where to start." He says lowly. I barely heard him over the blasting heat.

"How about start with the Secret?" I offer trying hard to not roll my eyes. I mean that's all I really want to know anyways. Anything else seems a little irrelevant.

Eli sighs again, looking at me like he's pleading not guilty for a crime I'm unaware of.

"Kim, I just want you to know that I didn't want to hurt you or have you get hurt by anyone else."

His voice, its soft and unfamiliar to my ears. It warms my heart and I'm already feeling like I should forgive him.

I couldn't handle it. Not this kind of Eli, not right now.  I nod at him and give him one of his favorite smirks.

"It's clear that you're obsessed with me."

I attempted to make it sound like I was lighting the mood but it only frustrated Eli even more. He glares at me.

"I need you to take this seriously too, Kimberly."

My eyes widen when he snaps at me. Then I look to my hands in my lap. He's right. I need to stop using his vulnerability as an excuse to make the situation easier to handle.

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