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I raced back towards Dale's room, ignoring the aching pain that followed within every step that I took, tears flooded down my cheeks and my nose began to grow stuffy.

I didn't know what was worse, being banned, or being humiliated in front of the entire Myriad Pack.

I didn't make it too far before Dale caught up to me and held me in his arms.

I shoved him off- "GET, THE HELL, OFF OF ME!" I screamed through hiccups and sniffles.

Dale's grip only tightened, making me grow more furious.

"Let go of me!" I cried.

Dale's grip wouldn't budge.

I shoved and kicked at him, trying to free myself.

"I'm not going anywhere." Dale's voice remained calm.

"Y-YOU HUMILIATED ME IN FRONT OF EVERYONE!" I cried, letting the hot tears rush out of my eyes.

He let go of me and stumbled backwards, apparently stunned by my words- "I, I really didn't know Claire. I'm sorry. I had no idea. I've just never had this problem with any previous members, I'm truly sorry."

I fell to my knees, hugging myself, crying and hurting both physically and mentally.

Dale reached out towards me, but I slapped his hand away and cried even harder- "just leave." I demanded.

I honestly hoped he wouldn't leave me, a part of me really wanted him to cradle me up, carry me to bed and hold me to sleep.

I regretted telling him off.

He left me as I hugged myself, crying my face off and feeling embarrassed.

My eyes began to feel heavy after sitting alone for 30-40 minutes. I felt myself doze off against the wall in the dim hallway.

After what seemed to be about 20 minutes later, my sleepy self felt a strong pair of arms cradle me in his chest and carry me into a warm cozy bed, then snuggle up next me.

That was the last thing I remembered before drifting into a deep sleep.

My heart rose, then it dropped, repeating the process over and over again, until I was slightly awoken by Dale's obnoxious snoring.

"Mhmm," I grunted, as I nudged him in the nose- "stop that."

He smacked his lips and grasped my nudging hand with his, while putting it over his heart, a smile appearing across his lips.

My body jolted with tingling sparks when our hands made contact and again, it made my body become weak.

Dale was the literal source of my weakness.

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