The Call

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Over the past few weeks, Dale had put me into training with some of his men, they had trained me in both human and wolf form.

Obviously training me in wolf form was more challenging because I loomed over them and my gold locks blinded his men in the vivid sunlight.

So Dale himself had trained me.

He was an Alpha, and Alphas were incredibly huge, so we stood together as two large wolves wrestling in the moonlight.

When Dale was in his wolf form, his strength had radiated off of him, his fur was a bright fiery red color, and his muscles were larger than any I've ever seen before.

The more we fought, the stronger I became. I was more powerful than over half of the men on his pack combined.

Later that evening, I sat with Dale as he worked in his office. Dale's mobile had rang and he hesitantly answered it.

"This is Alpha Dale speaking." his voice, broad and strong.

I heard a familiar voice on the other end speak- "er, yeah hello, I am Alpha Caine from The Scintilla Pack. I am looking for my daughter Claire. Do you know of a Claire? She's run away from my pack."

My eyes shot up toward Dale's, I slowly mouthed the word "no" and quickly shook my head.

Dale's voice ran over the phone- confused at my response, but complied anyways, "there could be a million Claire's in this forest sir and I've never heard from any of them before, so to answer your question, no."

My father had said "are you absolutely positive, Alpha Dale, because some of my spies have told me that they've seen her training in your park."

"What are you doing searching my pack with your spies anyways?" Dale's voice spoke, "and if she's run away, then perhaps you weren't doing that well of a job running your pack."

My eyes narrowed, 'they were speaking of me as if I were a runaway rogue! I was banned!' I desperately wanted to scream at them.

"Ah, did I say she ran away? My apologies. Might I correct myself, I had banned her from my pack due to the law, but my wife misses her dearly and has begged for me to bring her back. Of course, being her husband- I'd be willing to bend the rules a little bit for her." my had father said in an impatient tone.

"Goodnight- and keep your story straight. You'll never find her that way." Dale had said while hanging up his mobile phone.

He then turned his attention to my now watering eyes.

"You were banned, and you didn't tell me!?" Dale shouted, fury in his eyes.

I scampered back and blinked at him, seeing smoke raise off of his chest.

I had learned now that when my mate became angry, his eyes swirled into a bright red color, his body instantly heated on fire and his breathing became heavier because he happened to be a blaze wolf.

Blaze wolves were extremely rare, but not legendary. They could set fire to anything they pleased and their fur was fire resistant, making it possible for them to withstand any kind of heat.

My blaze wolf looked as though he was going to set fire to me.

"I- I was going to!" I argued back in defense.

"What were you waiting for then!? Why were you even banned!?" Dale's thundering voice yelled.

I felt a warm heavy tear roll down my cheek- "it was because I hadn't been able to transform yet and I was already 17, my father believed it was a sign of weakness and he banned me by law." I struggled to say.

Dale's expression immediately changed.

He looked at me with empathetic eyes, most likely feeling guilty that he had exploded at me impulsively and he took a step towards me, while extending his hand out to mine.

I took it.

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