Castle Leoch Pt.2

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Elizabeth would have been lying if she said that she wasn't avoiding Jamie, or even Claire for the matter. For the past three days, Elizabeth had holed herself up in the Healer's room or stayed close to Glenna as she did her chores. She didn't want to be angry with Jamie, honestly. It was just hard for her to come to the realization that he had truly come 'home'... and had brought another woman with him. Sighing, Elizabeth placed the wet rag down and wiped her forehead, trying to clear the rancid thoughts from her head. She had seen Claire's frequent visits to Jamie in the stables and she couldn't help but rethink what Jamie had told her.

"Nothing happened between Claire and I."

Elizabeth couldn't help but scoff before angrily dunking her wet rag back into the bucket that was next to her. If nothing happened, then why does Claire keep visiting you? Hmm, Jamie? Elizabeth thought as she furiously scrubbed the vase in her hands. The harder Elizabeth scrubbed, the quicker her anger turned into fear and sorrow. Jamie and her had been apart for three years, and a lot had happened in those three years. Elizabeth didn't know if Jamie had changed in those three years. She didn't know if he remained faithful to her or if he strayed along the way. Sure, he said that nothing happened between him and Claire, but were there other women in his life that she didn't know about? Slamming the vase back onto the table, and breathing heavily, Elizabeth threw her rag into the bucket before picking it up and stalking out of the room. She knew the longer she dwelled on the thought of Jamie's possible infidelity, the more pain it would cause her and that it wouldn't solve any problems.

The bucket felt heavier as she carried it outside. Pushing open one of the many side doors, Elizabeth closed her eyes and took a deep breath as she felt the cool air brush her face. She stood there for a few moments, absorbing the breeze the playfully pulled at her lose curls and the sounds of horses, men-talking, and the children playing. The familiarity of the area around her helped calm her senses and push the dark thoughts away. Sighing, Elizabeth quickly tossed out the water before grabbing the basket at the side of the door and making her way towards the stables. Elizabeth huffed as she walked up the never-ending hill, cursing Glenna. Elizabeth rarely had to take lunch to the stable boys, but it seemed that as soon as Jamie had returned, Glenna had made it her goal to try and get Elizabeth to go up there at least once a week. Luckily, Elizabeth managed to catch a lad heading up and gave them the basket, warning them that if they ate it before they got there she would find them or tell Glenna and let her deal with them.

Slightly hiking up her skirt, Elizabeth took longer strides, nearly crying with joy as she saw the horses and the stables come into her view. Lightly swinging the basket in her hands, Elizabeth slowly walked towards the stables, hoping to catch anyone who was not Jamie. One of the things she loved about living on the farm was all the times she got to go ride the horses. The cool wind causing her eyes to water, her hair freely waving in the wind, her time to go wherever she wanted, whenever she wanted. Not even noticing, a gentle smile crept on Elizabeth's lips, but soon vanished as Claire's figure came into her view. Elizabeth halted and observed Claire. Immediately she noticed the basket in her hands and how there was a man walking behind her. Elizabeth narrowed her eyes as she noticed that Claire's moves became more frantic and that she was trying to get away from the man as quickly as possible. Whatever the man was saying was greatly troubling Claire.

Now, Elizabeth didn't like Claire, but that didn't mean she would watch as Claire was harassed. Taking a deep breath, Elizabeth quickened her pace and she soon saw the figure that stood behind Claire, trailing her closely.

"Claire," Elizabeth called out, watching as both heads whipped towards her small figure. Claire seemed to look relieved while the man, Rupert, seemed to look a bit peeved. Stopping in front of the two, Elizabeth brushed the stray wisps of her hair behind her ear, "I have been looking for ye everywhere."

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