The Way Out Pt.1

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Elizabeth didn't hear the footsteps coming down the stairs as she scrubbed on of the bowls in the Healer's Wing. Nor did she hear the cautious knock that was given before the person entered. Her mind had been so wrapped on Jamie that she didn't notice that she had been cleaning the same pot for the past ten minutes. Everything was different now and Elizabeth now knew that it was true. Nothing would ever be the same.

"Elizabeth," Elizabeth gasped and swung around, dropping the bowl and wincing when the shatter echoed through the room.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," Claire apologized as she made a move to pick up the broken pieces of ceramic, but stopped when Elizabeth held up her hand.

"It's quite fine, lass." Elizabeth smiled before bending down to pick up the pieces, "You're not the only one to blame for this mess."

Claire nodded hesitantly but made no move to come closer. Since Claire's arrival three months-or so- ago, it had seemed that Elizabeth was finally opening it up. It wasn't a fast process, Claire noted as she watched Elizabeth throw the broken bowl away, but it was worth the while. Ever since Claire had found out that Elizabeth and Jamie were married, she wanted to know more about her. Claire couldn't picture a man like Jamie being married to a woman with such a cold exterior and Claire knew that Elizabeth was just using it as a defense.

"How can I help you?" Elizabeth asked as she brushed her hands off before looking up at Claire.

"I was wondering," Claire looked around the medium sized room, eyes taking in every detail, "If you can teach me about the medicine here?"

Elizabeth's ears perked at the Claire's comment and she stared at the older woman in front of her. Elizabeth already had an inkling that Claire had had some sort of past with medicine, for she had seen the wrap that she had made Jamie, but she didn't know to what extent her knowledge was. A part of her had greatly wanted Claire to ask her about the herbs and roots she had used over the years because she wanted to get to know Claire for who she really was; after all, Claire did save her husband. However, another part of her wanted Claire to keep as far away from her as possible because she still found Claire a threat. Elizabeth wasn't going to lie, she knew that Claire was considered a very attractive woman, she had heard the remarks the men around the castle had made. And at the same time, she had arrived in very inappropriate clothes on the same horse as Jamie.

"Um, sure." Elizabeth said before reaching for the open book she had left on the table. Picking it up, she walked over towards Claire and handed her the open book. "There are many different roots and herbs around the castle and in the field around the village that are very useful. If you are every confused on how to concoct something, everything I've learned can be found in here. Here," Elizabeth's eyes quickly scrolled through the handwriting before landing on a note, "For a headache, take ye one ball of horse dung. It is to be carefully dried."

Elizabeth turned away from Claire and allowed her time to read some of her mother's notes as she filled up a metal pot with icy water. Struggling slightly, Elizabeth hung the pot over the low fire before adding more wood, knowing that she would need many sterilized clothes and clean materials. She had lived here long enough to know that on preparation days most of the accidents occurred.

"Claire," Elizabeth called as she held a small, grey jar in her hand, "Do ye happen to know what slaters are?"

"Slaters?" Claire questioned as she took the jar from Elizabeth's hand and turned to around. Quickly taking the lid off, Claire tilted the jar and shook out the contents before shrieking with a jump, dropping all the slaters onto the floor, much to Elizabeth's distaste as she dropped to the floor to pick them up. "Woodlice. Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ!"

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