Chapter Seventeen - One of Us - Part Two

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Hello, wonderfuls!

First off, thank you for your patience for this update! This chapter has been a doozy. I think I've rewritten it four times now... 

Enjoy! Don't forget to leave your amazing comments!


"Throw her in."

I was lifted into the air as the grasp on my arms was suddenly released. The next thing my mind registered was my body free falling, darkness overcoming my senses. I let out a blood-curdling scream as darkness folded around me. However, the minute the sound left my mouth, I was being enveloped in something other than rocks and dirt. Flesh caught hold of my waist as I crashed into another body. 

The air was knocked out of my lungs as I fell another few feet. I braced myself for the impact of the cold and unforgiving earth, but it never came. Instead, I fell on top of Samuel, his back crashing into the ground beneath us. There was a sickening crack at the collision and I felt a whoosh of air as Samuel's lungs emptied. He groaned loudly as dirt and dust flew around us, blinding us both momentarily. 

We laid there for a moment, both breathing heavily and trying to recover. However, when I realized I was enveloped in Samuel's arms, laying against his naked chest, I quickly pulled away. Fear coursed through my veins as my hands felt their way along the dirt floor, searching for something, anything, that could get me out. I refused to be stuck. 

Though my wound was bandaged, I could feel the blood start to flow freely once more. It pushed against and soaked through the gauze as if begging for my attention. However, I forced the sensation out of my mind. My eyes couldn't see in the darkness that now wrapped around us, so my hands scoured the terrain. They searched for a rock, vine, leaf, anything I could use to help myself escape the situation. But, they came up empty again and again. I finally looked upward, a mangled cry escaping my lips. We were at least ten feet underground. 

"Samantha," Samuel suddenly groaned.

I ignored him as I went into a frenzy, clawing at the dirt around me. The blood was falling down my legs now, but I paid it no mind. I knew the minute I stopped fighting I'd be resigned to die in this hole.  

"Samantha," he said a little more forcefully.  

Again, I ignored him. 

"Damn it, Samantha, stop moving. Your reopening your wound."

I waited for him to come and force me to stop, but he never did. Slightly perplexed at his lack of force, I slowly turned to face him. He was laying in the same place as we landed moments ago, unmoving. His breathing was heavy and long, almost as if he was sighing constantly.

"What are you doing?" I asked tentatively. 

He growled. "I can't move."

I immediately focused all my attention on him, abandoning my hopeless attempt at escape. 


"I think the fall broke my spine."

My eyes widened. "What?"

He turned his head slightly towards me. Even through the darkness, I could sense his glare. "I caught you. I landed wrong. I can't move." 

His icy voice washed over me, leaving me breathless and panicked. Samuel was angry. Beyond angry. My hands started twitching as my eyes tried to adjust. Without my vision, I was helpless to any attack he was inclined to make. 

Silence fell for a few minutes as I continued watching Samuel's breathing, trying to gauge his emotions. The silence and lack of movement calmed me slightly, but no matter how much time passed, I was still on the verge of tears. 

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