Chapter Twenty-Four - All Hell

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The minute Riley snapped the girl's neck, Kade screamed. It was a sound, unlike anything I'd ever heard. He immediately lunged forward and broke free from the person holding him back. He wasn't the only one charging the wolves, though.

Countless figures burst from the trees behind us. Men and women brandishing silver weapons charged the three men, their screaming drowning out Kades. Damaria slipped behind them as she and Margaret barked orders. The werewolves, however, had been expecting this. The minute people emerged from the trees, wolves appeared across the clearing. Though there weren't as many of them as the humans, there was enough. Even I could tell it wasn't going to be much of a fight. Each wolf was a different size and color and each one seemed to have some sort of feral air to them. There wasn't a single shred of humanity in their eyes, as it seemed they'd abandoned that long ago.

The original three didn't bother to shift. Instead, the wolves parted around them as they watched the scene unfold. My blood ran cold as the first human met the first wolf, and chaos ensued. Weapons were being lunged into fur, teeth were cutting through skin. The only thing I could hear was the countless cries of pain as a new target was met.

Through the chaos, I watched two familiar figures stalk towards me, a fire blazing in their eyes. Margaret was following behind Damaria who was lifting a gun out of her waistband. For the first time since I met her, I saw something shine in her eyes.


Before they could come any closer, Samuel was screaming with rage. I whipped my gaze just in time to see him burst forward from the tree and lunge at Damaria. Before she could fire her weapon, Samuel was on top of her. I heard her scream, but it was cut short by two gunshots ringing through the trees. Margaret stood next to the duo, arms extended and pointed at Samuel. His roars echoed through the trees and then suddenly he wasn't alone. Riley appeared next to Margaret, hitting the gun out of her hands. She whirled around to face him, but before she could, her head was ripped clean from her neck.

I heard myself scream, but the noise was drowned out by everyone around me. My hands pulled desperately against their restraints as I watched Margaret's body crumple, blood spilling from the gaping hole where her head once was. Riley paid her no mind as he stooped down to where Samuel rested. He raised him from the ground, but his body was limp. Riley wrapped his arm underneath Samuel and started carrying him away, but not before he sent a sickeningly forceful kick to Damaria's head. Her head fell to the side and blood started oozing from her ear. I stayed silent, frantically working on the rope that had my hands tied, as Riley dragged Samuel back through the chaos.

Then, suddenly, my hands were released. I quickly brought them forward as I heard someone move from behind me. My gaze rested on a dark figure holding another man at his side and I recognized Kade immediately. I looked at him and the ropes, confusion lacing my features.

"I'm sorry this happened," he started, breathlessly. His eyes darted behind me before he continued, his voice pained and cracking. "I just wanted my family back."

And with that, he was gone.

He disappeared into the trees and I was left kneeling on the ground, in shock. It only took another second and a glance at the fight behind me before I tore after him.

I wasn't running after Kade, but I knew he'd be going in the right direction to get away from everything. I didn't pay attention to the noise behind me, the burning in my side, or the warning signals sounding in my mind. My eyes scanned the terrain as I expected to pass Kade and the other man at any second, but I never found them. That didn't thwart me though, as I wasn't concerned with finding them. The only thing I could think about was running.

My limbs were heavy and they tripped over every fallen branch, every random twig. I wasn't making a lot of progress, no matter how desperately I tried. My body was tired. I hadn't eaten. I'd barely had any water or sleep. In the last few days, I'd walked miles upon miles without stopping. So, it was in this moment where I needed my body most, that it was deciding to fail me.

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