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I could almost taste the thickness of the air that engulfed us all after I said those words. Gasps and murmurs started arising from the crowd and Xerxes' face was hard, his eyes giving away nothing neither his expression.

But I know what he might be thinking. The same thoughts must be going around in his head-the thoughts that were now circulating around the pack members.

He must be thinking how pathetic I am.

It was always the same. The same shocked reaction, the same murmurings, the same incredulous looks thrown my same and some even disgusted. All of these just because I can't heal like how a normal werewolf should heal, in fact, I don't have that ability at all. I heal like a human.

But that's not fault, is it? How was I suppose to control something I don't have any control over?!

It's all in the hands of the Moon Goddess. She made me this way, so was it all my fault?

Xerxes' grip on my hand didn't loosen but I had enough, I couldn't stand the murmurs, I couldn't always take it all in and stay quiet. I had been doing that for years.

Daddy says, I am special and that's why I am the way I am.

But I don't think so.

How was I suppose to be special when I was not even like a normal she wolf?

I tried to free my hand from Xerxes grip but his grip on my hand was like a steel band I couldn't break free from.

I tried again but to no avail.

The murmurings were getting worst, and it was getting to me.

I hate this.

'Why can't she heal?'

'Is she even normal?'

'Is she fit to rule over us all?'

'She's so small.'

'She looks like a kid.'

All these comments cut me deep. I was always the one to blame but I didn't choose it. I never asked Xerxes' to be my mate, I never even thought about it. I never wanted to be a Luna, I never wanted to be away from my pack but I didn't have any say in it. My opinions, my wishes weren't asked so how come I am the one to be blamed for all of this?

I wanted to yell, but words got stuck in my throat and I felt my eyes burn with tears.

I wouldn't cry. No here, not in front of everyone and give them all the satisfaction of their doubts about how weak and unfit I was.

I just wished to run away somewhere far from here, anywhere but away from this stares and murmurs. But that was not gonna happen with Xerxes around so his house was the next best thing to escape into but he wasn't even letting me do that.

I tired to pry my hand free from his hold again but then again, I was weak, I was unfit., I was small and couldn't even compare to his strength.

I jumped at the harshness of his voice when I bellowed out, "Silence." Which successfully subsidised the murmurs and then there was a pin drop silence.

The pack members looked scared out of their wits when Xerxes threw a harsh, stony and cold glare their way. I gulped at the power and authority in his voice. He was someone to be not messed with, never.

"She's your Luna and no one disrespects her." Xerxes words were loud and clear, with a hint of challenge in it as if daring anyone to stand or say something against him, which I doubt anyone had the guts to.

Xerxes Knight: The Alpha King | ON GOING.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora