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Gazing out into the thick forest from the balcony of our room was my daily routine, to catch a glimpse of birds chirping around the woods, flying freely with no care in the world. I had nothing else to do, I had no friends, no one to talk to, I was alone in this big house.

Lisa visited me only on Saturdays because she went to school during the weekdays and helped her mom in the pack house.

A wide smile stretched on my lips when I realised today was Saturday and Lisa would be coming here soon.

I walked back in the room and pulled the sliding glass doors closed before looking at the small clock placed on the wall above the bed- 10:25 am, she'd be here soon.

After the bonding ritual, I could finally mind link with Xerxes and also the pack members but the link was weak because I was still new a new member and new in this and my bonding with the pack members wasn't as strong as my bonding with Xerxes and his wolf.

Xerxes was hardly home and even if he was at home, he'd be in his study where he eat, sleep and work and would be out of house even before I wake up. Sometimes, I didn't even know when he comes back or goes away. It was like I wasn't even there for him.

I saw the minute hand of the clock struck at six, making me rush out of the room. Descending down the flight of stairs, I ran until I reached the front door, behind which there were two assigned guards- Thomas and Dante. They were to guard the house and me at all cost.

Not wasting any time, I pulled open one side of the large door and grinned at Lisa who had her hand half raised in the air ready to knock. She looked surprised as I gave a quick greeting to Thomas and Dante, and didn't wait to hear any comments from her as I held her wrist, tugging her in the house.

"Come on." I said excitedly before pulling her up the stairs and towards my room.

Lisa's cheerful laughter filled the spacious house which set a warm feeling in my heart, making me not feel lonely, I was not alone anymore. I had someone with me today, someone I could talk and spend my time with.

I was bored with myself and the occasionally talk with Lucy who had not come to the house for a week now because she was busy in the pack house. Though I love Lucy, I wanted a friend, someone my age who I could talk whatever I wanted to.

I have yet to see the pack house and what it was like on the inside, living with and sharing a house with so many people.

The pack house back in my pack was big where a lot of families lived together or just hang out but from what I had heard from Lucy the pack house here was much more bigger and the people alot more than the other normal pack house.

"Someone is excited to see me." Lisa said with a smile, sitting down on the bed.

I took a seat beside her with a wide smile, as I nod at her making her laugh at my excited face.

"So what did you do whole week?" Lisa asked looking around the room before her nose scrunched up in clear distaste.

"I read like always." I shrugged but her eyes were now on the sheets spread over the bed on which we were sitting. "What's wrong?" I asked looking at her face.

"This room is so dull. Colourless." Lisa made a face making me giggle.

"Yeah, Alpha likes it this way." I shrugged again before looking around the now familiar room. Everything was either black or white, void of any colour.

"Boring." Lisa commented.

"It is." I agreed with a sigh.


Xerxes Knight: The Alpha King | ON GOING.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz