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  Sometimes it seems like you are the only one in the world who's struggling, who's frustrated, unsatisfied, barely getting by. But that feeling's a lie. And if you just hold on, just find the courage to face it all for another day, someone or something will find you and make it all okay. Because we all need a little help sometimes – someone to help us hear the music in their world, to remind us that it won't always be this way. That someone is out there. And that someone will find you  - Lucas Scott, One Tree Hill






The rain drops plummeted down on the car's roof. I realized that we had stopped moving.

My mind and body were completely numb.

Ever so often my brain reminded me of what had happened and an unbearable stab of pain pierced through my heart.

Mom is dead.

She died a month ago.

You are all alone now Scarlett.

The chauffeur opened the door for me and I slowly stepped out. The kind man offered me an umbrella but I brushed off his offer.

I liked how the ice cold water from the rain felt on my skin. It made me feel numb.

Numbness is good.

It keeps me from feeling.

It keeps me from feeling pain.

My eyes drank in the huge mansion in front of me. Once upon a time, I had called this place my home. But that was a long time ago. Now it only reminded me of how much I'd suffered.

I made my way to the entrance and the doors burst open even before I rang the door-bell.

I looked up at the man standing in front of me. His face lit up when he saw me.

His lips broke into a smile. Once upon a time, that smile used to mean the world to me, but not anymore.

"Welcome home." His voice was kind but I knew otherwise.

'This isn't my home' I wanted to say but I bit my tongue. I had made my mother a promise and I was going to do everything I could to keep it.

"Hey dad." I said blankly.

His smile wavered a little but he swiftly covered it. "Come in quickly. It's freezing outside and you're soaked."

I just nodded my head as I made my way inside.

I took in the familiar surroundings, not much had changed.

The family portrait still hung in the hallway. Just looking at our smiling faces made me feel sick.

Happiness was an illusion.

It was a lie.

"Your room has been prepared why don't you go shower and I'll have your suitcase sent up." My father's voice broke in.

I didn't need any directions, I knew every inch of this place by heart. Without giving him a second glace I hauled my body upstairs. My room was the first one on the left.

The Past Between UsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin