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"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."


| 3 years ago |

First Day of Highschool


I checked my reflection in the mirror once again.

My brown eyes seemed wider than usual my pulse was racing.

Today was officially going to be my first day of High-school.

"You know, this is the tenth time you've checked yourself in the mirror." Megan's voice interrupted.

I sighed, "I don't know why I feel so anxious today. It's just the start of another school year, there's no need to be nervous right?"

Danielle's laugh broke through my rambling, "Are you sure you're nervous because it's the first day of high-school and it has nothing to do with Hunter coming back from football-camp after three months?"

I had been friends with Danielle and Megan ever since I could remember. The three of us were really close, we were practically sisters.

I scowled at Danielle, trying to mask my creeping blush. There was a jittery feeling in my stomach when I remembered Hunter.

Ugh, what is wrong with me?

"Hunter is just a friend and there's nothing going on between us?" I snapped.

Megan giggled, "Why not? You guys would be great together."

I scoffed.

"Are you seriously trying to set me up with your brother?" I demanded and she just shrugged sheepishly.

Hunter was Megan's elder brother. They had moved into the house across from ours ten years ago and we'd been inseparable ever since.

We made our way downstairs towards the dining hall.

"Hey mom!" I greeted my mother with a kiss on the cheek.

"Hello girls." My mother smiled warmly, "Come on, have some breakfast."

"Where's dad?" I asked suddenly realizing his absence.

My mother's happy expression faltered a little.

"He went to work early." Her voice sounded strained.

Something was wrong.

Did she have a fight with dad?

I refrained myself from asking in front of Danielle and Megan.

I would be lying if I said I didn't have a nice life. I had a nice house, amazing parents, some really great friends and I did well in school.

If only I knew that a few weeks from now everything would change. I would have been a lot more grateful.


The three of us exited the car. The school parking lot was buzzing with students like usual.

I smiled as I took everything in.

As much as I loved vacations, it felt good to be back.

"Where are the guys anyway? Danielle asked suddenly.

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