Chapter Nine: Only Trust What You Can See

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"That's enough of your interruptions." The instructor rubbed her temple while glaring to the back of the room at Yael. He of course only smiled smugly, shaking his shoulders.

"Just got excited." He tells her, throwing me a wink.

He'd just got excited at least four times already in the three sentences the instructor has been able to get out. Though I don't think I can blame him. Wingslyn sounds amazing, from what I've been able to hear.

"As I was saying, Wingslyn is a realm of spectacular color, medium in size. In contrast to Drako Realm, it is full of light. They have three suns, and two moons that are always present. The three suns represent the three loves of their God creator, Rollenth. They were Demi that Rollenth fell in love with, only to have his heart broken by each one. The two moons, one purple, and one red, represent his two sides. He is known as the God of two faces. One side of him is kind, full of life and joy, while the other is constantly pensive, seeking to wreak havoc and sew distrust through mischief." The instructor takes a sip of her water and I can feel Yael fidgeting in the chair beside me, eager for her to go on. "Just as Rollenth has two sides, his creations do too." I sat up a little straighter in my seat, intrigued. "The people of Wingslyn are split down the middle, Fairyfae, and Fairlings. They are at constant odds with one another. The Fairyfae, with their purple eyes and translucent purple skin, are generally kind, happy," She pauses, glancing up at Yael. "If a little too excitable, they are good. Their abilities include creating light, reading energies, and in some cases the power to heal or communicate with plant and animal life."

I gasp quietly, turning my eyes on Yael who is beaming like it's his birthing day.

"I'm kind of awesome." He whispers and shrugs.

"The Fairlings are red eyed, like their moon, and are pretty much the polar opposite of their Fairyfae counterparts. They are mischievous, deceitful, and distrusting to the Fairyfae, but within their own communities, it is them that are most talented in music. They love within their own kind and are capable of creating tricky visions, storm clouds, and voices in the heads of their foe to confuse them." I scan the room, looking for the boy who'd introduced himself as a Fairling in the auditorium, but it's more like he finds me. He's already glaring this way, but it turns out it isn't at me but at Yael. I may not know him well, but I still feel protective over him and I glare back at the other boy until he glares those red eyes someplace else. "Wingsyln is one of the most versatile realms and one most depicted in art and song throughout all realms. Their skies are constantly filled with rainbows, and their plants bloom flowers year round as purple and red streams cut across the hilly lands."

"No wonder you don't like it here." I whisper to Yael. "I wish I could see it."

And I do. More than I should. According to Oliver, I'm basically going to be here all the time until the realms people try to kill each other again. I don't want to just hear about these fantastical places, I want to see them. I've been in the dirt my whole life, believing that's all there was, but now my eyes are opened to the other worlds and I just want the chance to experience them.

I want to go to the hills of the Caster lands and see what their villages are like. I want to see their capitol city and smell what a Rosumbloom smells like. I want to see them make objects move with the sweep of their hands.

Even Drako, the realm of Drinkers. I can't imagine a world where there is no day or plants. A place where super strong and fast things drink the blood from the weaker race. Even a place like that, that granted, I may not want to stay too long, sounds like something I want to see for myself.

"I wish I could show it to you." He whispers back, nearly leaning his head onto my shoulder. "I think you'd like it."

I nod. "I think so too." Not that I'll ever know.

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