Chapter Thirty Five: Oliver's Tales

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The traitor is back?

As is the traitor I'm instantly thinking of? The one who befriended me. The one who made me feel safe with him only to lead me astray and into a realm where he tried to murder me? That traitor?

He's back.

Oliver is back, and she said he's talking, but what the heck else could he have to say? He killed people. He betrayed us all. He tried to kill me and then ditched me in Hell. What kind of a person does those things? And even bigger question, who does that and then comes back around afterwards for a chat?

"You people let that boy back in here?" The man up front starts up again. "After everything he's done?"

For once he says something I halfway agree with that doesn't make me want to shove my fist so far down his throat that he chokes on it.

The crowd of people get uneasy, swaying and whispering loudly, creating a loud hum of concerns.

"Everyone," The woman says. "I assure you all, the traitor is being held securely." She says loudly, trying to calm the crowd. "We need all leaders to come with us to the council hall."

The others on the stage begin to move, but bigmouth can't help himself.

"Why do the leaders get to know what he's here for?" He asks, revving the crowd back up. "You'll have to forgive us if we don't exactly trust your authority to tell us the truth anymore. Why don't you bring the traitor here and he can face all of us to tell us why he killed those girls. Courtlyn was my friend!"

I don't want to feel bad for him, but at least now I know he's so adamant because he's hurting over the loss of a friend like me and reeling from the truth of the demi god's lies. It only makes my dislike for him slightly less, but it's something. At least now I don't think he's just a complete asshole just to be an asshole. He's got reasons I guess.

Tonyedda shakes her head. "I've lost friends here too." She says. "Some because of the traitor, others because of these senseless attacks. I want revenge and resolution as much as you all do, but to get that, we've got to figure out what we are dealing with here, and to do that I and the other leaders need to hear what he's got to say."

"It could all be lies or more tricks!" Someone says.

"He could be nothing more than a distraction!" Comes another.

"You're right." Tonyedda agrees. "But he could also be the key to the answers we need. We are backed into a corner here and don't have much of a choice, so we have to work with what we've got."

"That still doesn't explain why we can't know too!" The man snaps. "We want to hear for ourselves what that scums got to say."

"So that another panic can ensue?" Tonyedda counters. "There are still hundreds rioting out in our very halls do to the way that information was passed last time."

"We will discuss his claims, and then all will be brought before you." The council woman says, waiving Tonyedda and the others forward in haste.

"How can we even trust you'll tell us all the truth after?"

The woman looks strained. "Bring the Newb." She says and I still. "She will accompany us and she will be assure you all that what we tell you is the truth. Surely you can trust this child?"

There are a few who disagree, but the majority seems to agree to the terms.

"What?" I gaps. "No."

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