8. A Princess in Need of a Prince

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Hope had decided after three weeks of awkward encounters with Jonathan at both his home and social gatherings that it was time to finally get everything on to the table. She was tired of constantly feeling strained around the one person whom she trusted most. She wanted their easy banter and shared smiles back. She wanted her best friend back, even if it meant suppressing her feelings and letting him have his freedom, if that was truly what he wanted. Although she knew she could never go back to a time when she hadn't realized her love for him, she could at least have his friendship. And truthfully, Hope would be glad to have him in any way, even if she had to share him with Pinkerton.

Her father was right, Jonathan wouldn't wait on her forever. Though she knew she wouldn't ever truly move on, she couldn't prevent him from making a life for himself. Hope didn't want to be married, not unless it was truly to someone she loved, and she doubted anyone would be the same as Jonathan.

So, as she walked the beat down path to Hartfordshire, Hope focused on the feeling of a gentle breeze through her hair and the sun on her skin. She let the sound of birds and the rustle of leaves calm her nerves. Now that her anger had subsided, she was left with only a feeling of emptiness that she was desperate to fill.

After being let in by a maid, Hope made her way around the large house, seeking out her friend.

She found him in the study, seemingly engrossed in the business of the estate while his father was in London meeting about the relatively young stock market.

She watched him for a moment, with his brow furrowed and his brown hair disheveled from running a frustrated hand through it. He was a handsome man, that was undeniable. But what made Jonathan himself was cleverness and kindness. He would truly make a perfect husband to whatever woman was lucky enough to have him.

She knocked gently, hoping not to shock him. "Jonathan, do you mind speaking to me for a minute?" Her voice was soft, she was careful to tread lightly as she had know idea how this conversation would progress.

Jonathan looked slightly uncomfortable at the though of being alone with her, but nodded nonetheless. Even when frustrated and rejected by her, he found he still couldn't deny her anything.

Hope day delicately in one of the plush chairs placed in front of the desk, conscious of both the metaphorical barrier between them and the finely crafted mahogany that literally separated them. "As you know, things have been... somewhat strained between us."

Jonathan cocked an eyebrow. "Somewhat?"

Hope chuckled nervously and tugged briefly at her gloves. "Yes well, I wanted to clear the air. After all, you're my oldest and dearest friend and I don't wish to go on any longer like this."

Jonathan nodded. Though it hurt to be branded 'friend' for life, he knew it was better than being nothing to her. Truly, to be Hope Edwards servant would be better than being nothing to her. Even if he would never have her love him the way he so desperately wanted, he would gladly take whatever kind of love she offered. "Of course. I'm— I shouldn't have sprung what I said on you the way I did. I had a bit much to drink that night. Though it's no excuse, it was unfair of me to demand so much from you. If it helps, I've recently begun to court someone else, so you don't need to worry about me ever saying such things to you again."

Hearing Jonathan speak those words was like a stab to the heart, but Hope understood him perfectly clear. He had moved on. Maybe one day, she would too. For now, she was stuck loving him more than a friend should. But maybe one day she would find she could learn to love whatever match her father made for her— though she doubted it would compare to her love for Jonathan. Hope plastered a soft smile on her face. "I'm glad to hear it. Any woman lucky enough to have caught your eye is sure to find a great match in you."

Jon laughed at that. "Please, the man that wins your heart will have made a far better match than the woman that ends up stuck with me."

His words pushed the knife in her heart deeper still, but she smiled anyways, grateful to hear the teasing lilt in his voice once more.

The two carried on talking like this for a while, until it was time for Hope to return home. As usual, Jonathan invited her for dinner, and as usual, Hope regretfully declined as her father required her company.

Upon arriving home, Hope changed out of the plain day frock she had worn at Hartfordshire and into an evening dress similarly as plain. She was only having dinner with her father, after all.

To her shock, there was another place setting in the dining room.

"Who on earth—" Hope thought to herself before she was interrupted by the appearance of her her father, and shockingly, her cousin.

"Hope, my darling," Herbert began, "look whose come for dinner!" Truthfully, though Herbert loved his daughter dearly, he needed her settled down already. And who better to match her with the her cousin and his nephew, Mr. Thomas Edwards. After all, though Hope was to inherit Wellington if unmarried, Thomas has a decent claim to it and might fight for it when the time comes. The question of property rights would be far simpler if the parties who had claim to it were united as one. So, Herbert has set his sights on marrying his daughter to Thomas, his younger brother's son, in an effort to not only keep the estate in the family, but to ensure Hope had a home once he was gone.

"Hope, my dearest cousin. It's so good to see you again after so long." Thomas spoke charmingly, and was attractive enough. His hair was a similar shade to her own, though a tad blonder and hers a tad darker. He had clear blue eyes though, a trait he got from his mother's side. Still, all Hope could remember of him was the memory of him pulling at her braids while they were youths and he came for a visit.

"It's good to see you as well, how long has it been, nine years now?" Hope asked conversationally. She knew to be polite as this was more than likely one of her father's many marriage schemes. Though she had no strong interest or feeling for Thomas, she would see what kind of man he was.

"Yes and in those nine years you've seemed to grow quite a bit. The last I remember of you you had braids with ribbons attached."

Hope laughed softly and falsely at memories she didn't quite find that interesting or entertaining. As dinner wore on, she found Thomas was rather dull. Though not necessarily unintelligent, he didn't have a strong wit and wasn't very prone to having a laugh. He was kind, yes, but she found conversation with him tiring as there seemed to be nothing all that interesting about him. She supposed she could do worse, but as she went to sleep that night, she couldn't help but feel that there was always going to be something missing with every man her father set before her.


Almost finished with the whole thing. Finally lol. The last chapter is already written so I just have to write 9 and the Epilogue. ~Hope~ you've enjoyed thus far❤️

Side note: I changed the cover but I'm in need of a new one, if anyone knows how and would be willing to make me a cover that would be much appreciated!!

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