9. Consider Love Sufficiently Meddled

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It had been two months and Thomas had yet to depart. In that time, Herbert had ensured his daughter would spend as much time as possible with the man, seemingly unaware or uncaring of her disinterest.

In that time, Hope had rarely seen the Langston's save for one country dance where she and Jonathan shared a slightly awkward dance and Thomas took her for two songs, making his interest quite clear. Other than that, Hope had not had the time for visits as her father was insistent Hope spend all her time with Thomas.

Her separation from the Langston's was about to change, however, as it seemed they had been invited to dinner.

Though Hope and Jonathan has agreed to resolve their differences, there remained a tension that was difficult to ignore. Hope only wishes the presence of other people would help to ease the divide that remained between them. The Pinkerton's were also to be in attendance, as well as Thomas as he was still Herbert's guests. So it seemed there was to be a decidedly full dinner table.


The night of the dinner party approached quickly and before she knew it, Hope was readying herself for what was sure to be a trying evening. She wore a pale olive dress with pink flowers sewn about and adorned similar flowers in her hair that was held by pins in a curly updo. It wasn't the most extravagant look but it would do.

When she descended the stairs, Thomas was ready and waiting with a pleasant compliment, to which the replied with thanks. He took her arm upon her permission and guided her to their waiting carriage, which her father already sat in. As they made their way, Hope couldn't help but feel her stomach lurch at the thought of what was to come. 


As it turned out Vivianne Pinkerton was not at all what she expected. Truly, Hope wishes to hate her for stealing Jonathan's attention, but she found she could not. Vivianne was well accomplished and kind, and not entirely without wit. And to make it even worse, the girl was undeniably pretty without being too aware of it. She was quieter than Hope, not as bold or rambunctious, but in many ways Hope could see why that would be appealing. Vivianne wasn't difficult or all that complex.

"I'm sure you're not at all bad!" Vivianne claimed with a reassuring smile. "You may not be Mary but that doesn't mean you're bad!"

"Trust me," Hope replied with a jovial laugh. "I'm no musician, I much prefer dancing to music rather than playing it. Though I do hear you're quite talented with the harp."

Vivianne blushes lightly at the compliment and Jonathan answered for her "She really is quite the talent, I assure you. I've never heard anything like it."

Hope couldn't help but feel a tad stung by Jonathan being so blatantly complimentary towards Vivianne, but he was courting her after all. So, she pushed down the sadness in her throat and smiled along with everyone else.

Anne looked at Hope kindly, as if knowing her thoughts, and responded for her. "Yes, Vivianne is a wonderful harpist. Why don't we have her play and Hope dance with the young gentlemen after dinner?"

"Oh what a wonderful idea," Vivianne spoke excitedly. "An impromptu dance seems like such a delight!"

Hope knew what Anne was doing and shot her a look. At this point her efforts seemed futile. Jonathan had made his choice.


After dinner, they gathered in the parlor for music. The wine flowed just as freely as it had at the dinner table and spirits were high. Jonathan danced with the elder Mrs. Pinkerton for the the first song while his parents danced with one another and Thomas took Hope for a spin. Herbert and Mr. Pinkerton sat the song out and spent the song eating practically all of the little cakes.

For the second song, Hope found herself being thrust into Jonathan's arms, the sound of Mary's piano in tune with Vivianne's harp soothing her nerves.

"How did you find dinner?" Jonathan asked softly.

"It was wonderful, truly. I couldn't have thought of anything better." They both knew they weren't really discussing dinner, that Jon was seeking his friends approval, which she gave willingly. After seeing her, Hope found that if anyone deserved Jonathan, it truly was as sweet and wonderful a girl as Vivianne.

Jonathan nodded and smiled demurely, and the song soon faded out and the dance was over. They patented as Hope was agin dancing with Thomas, though not that intently. For what seemed like the millionth time in the past months, Hope felt her heart breaking all over again.


At last, the evening came to a close and the Edwards were departing. Before leaving, Jonathan asked Hope to come tomorrow, as he needed her advice on a pressing matter. Hope knew what he was going to ask her as they made the short ride home. She knew and the thought felt like a stab to her heart. But she would do what Jonathan asked of her, she would give her honest advice with the knowledge that he would do the same for her if she asked it. She could only hope he would spare her too many details.

-once safely in her room, Hope released her curls from her confines and her body from the dress and corset underneath. She fell into bed, letting sleep take her to a place where she didn't make the same devastating mistakes.


Last chapter is done. Ngl happy to be done finally lol. Hope those who have stuck around have enjoyed❤️❤️❤️

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