Chapter 15 | Part 1 - Tiberius

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After paying Kylee for the lotion and tonics, they set out for Madame Papillon's stall.

A glowing paper crane fluttered in the air above them to lead the way. Despite that, it still took them a while to find her through the throng of stalls and the increased number of supernatural beings now filling the aisles. It was harder for them to stay together and weave through the crowds, especially for Tiberius because he wanted to remain by Crystal's side at all times, but sometimes was unable to in order to squeeze through. His huge form towered over the others, so he could always see his mate and their companions, but she was such a lithe little wolf. One push by someone not paying attention would set Tiberius off and he would have his head ripped off.

Stares and whispers followed them until they found it—a stall far grander than the rest.

It was also an enclosed tent, but four times the size of the others with lavish curtains surrounding it and a sign with her name on it. Lanterns hung from every corner with a swirling flame that gradually changed colors—from yellow to red to purple to blue to green and back to yellow.

They walked in the open doorway and saw her talking with a man, who quickly excused himself and left.

She was an older woman, around fifty years of age, with graying hair that she pinned neatly back. Dressed in a floor-length black dress with a satin navy blue sash around her waist and blue ribbon over her black corset top, she struck Tiberius as powerful sorceress than a witch. A collar of black feathers with a dark blue sheen glistened over her shoulders and crawled up her slender neck, elongating it and contrasting against her pale skin. Pale gray eyes encased in tight wrinkles under narrow brows regarded them as they stepped before her.

She exchanged pecks on the cheeks with the vampire slayer before lifting her palms in greeting to the werewolves and Tiberius.

With a wave of her wand, she drew a curtain over the doorway and dispersed cushions on the floor from a large trunk in the corner.

"Have a seat and make yourselves comfortable," she said.

The first thing that struck Tiberius the moment the curtain pulled across the doorway was the silence. All the noise from the market was locked outside and if no sounds got in, then no sounds within the tent would also go out.

"Now, as those of you with sensitive hearing have noticed, we have complete privacy here. Nothing said within this tent shall escape through the cracks and everyone knows not to enter my tent when the door is closed, or else they get an electric shock. Whatever is said here, stays among us. So, please," she said with a flourish of her hand, "tell me why you are all here and how can I be of service."

They took their seats and Tiberius stole Crystal's cushion so that she'd sit in front of him and he could hold her against his chest. She was calm now, a calmness he hadn't seen in her aside from when she was sleeping. It was refreshing, but he still wanted to keep her close in case her wolf decided to push against her barriers again.

Crystal sat down without complaint and he draped his arms casually around her, curving his body around hers with his chin brushing the top of her head.

No one said anything at first as gazes slowly turned to him and his mate for her to begin their story again.

As she repeated their story to the witch, Tiberius could feel those steel gray eyes piercing through him and he looked anywhere but those biting-hard depths.

The witch's familiar was a sleek black raven perched on a stand behind her, his beady black eyes fixated on Tiberius and making his skin crawl.

Sometimes called the "Keeper of Secrets," ravens were symbols of magic, introspection and knowledge, but also omens, death and rebirth.

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