Chapter 35 | Tiberius

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After mating twice more and taking a shower, Tiberius and Crystal went out to the backyard and fired up the barbecue. The sun was close to setting and there was still no sign of anyone coming back. Crystal said she was still unable to reach her family through the mind-link as Tiberius stepped up to her and pulled her against his chest.

"Guess we'll have to get their attention the old-fashioned way," he told her before throwing his head back and howling.

The sensation was foreign against his human vocal cords. It had been far too long since he used them to communicate in this way, but he loved it. Loved announcing to her pack of their union.

Her family began to trickle in then. First her mother, father, brother, and sister, and then her extended family within the pack. All came over to congratulate them. Bringing slabs of meat, salads, and dinner rolls, they built a feast to celebrate.

Alpha Jackson and Luna Leanne paid them a visit as well.

"What will you both do now?" Alpha Jackson asked after bestowing his blessings and congratulations on them.

"Well, I still need to call my family and tell them the news," Tiberius said. "Then, I guess we will be on our way whenever Cris is ready. I know it will be hard for her to leave her family here."

Tiberius cast his eyes across the deck to Crystal reclining in a chair and holding the sleeping form of her niece. She looked up when she felt his gaze and blushed before turning her attention back to the sleeping pup in her arms.

He couldn't wait to put a pup of their own in those arms.

"There's no rush," Alpha Jackson told him. "Take your time to sort things out. You're welcome to stay here as long as you need."

Tiberius bowed his head with a slight tilt to show his appreciation and thanked the alpha.

About two hours after the sun set and all the food had been eaten, everyone returned to their homes and their beds.

Tiberius held Crystal to his chest, falling asleep instantly, with a smile on his face.


He brushed his fingers through his hair as he stared at the cell phone in his hands the following afternoon.

What would he say to his parents after being gone for so long? 'Hey, sorry I took off on ya, but I found my mate and I'm ready to come home now.'

He didn't think that was going to fly with them.

Crystal sat across from him with the table next to them. She palmed his knees in an effort to calm and reassure him.

He sighed and began to tap in the digits, knowing that the longer he put it off, the more anxious and the more he would stress his mate out over nothing. She didn't need that.

The phone rang and went to voicemail. He hung up without thinking and cursed under his breath.

Crystal prodded against his mind and he opened it to let her in.

[What's wrong?]

[Just nervous. It's been so long. I don't know what to say.]

[Maybe start with 'Hi, how are you?' and 'I miss you'?]

He reached for her hand and brushed his thumb across her knuckles. "Yeah." He heaved a sigh. "Yeah."

Why was he so nervous? His family loved him. They'll be relieved and happy to know that he's not only still alive, but that he found his mate and broke the curse.

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