Chapter 28| The Second Part Of The Exams

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This is what Lucas meant, didn't he ?

In front of me now is forty examiners with unique mana attributes all over. Fire, Wood, Lightning, all of them have it. And I all have is the Water attribute. And unfortunately, all want one thing and would go large lengths to gain.

I found out that all of us, even those with no nobility, have mana. In this world, mana is essential to everything. The only thing that creates an invisible wall between all of us is how much you mana supply is.

Yes, the ceremony was required to find out what is your attribute. But it is only until you enrolled to a school that you find out how large your mana supply is. And that's where the invisible wall comes in. Because nobility has larger chances of having a larger mana supply, commoners are usually belittled by said nobles and that causes sparks around the Main Country.

That's why everyone who isn't nobility and doesn't work for them hate aristocrats. Because their always being bullied and that hate will soon be the monarchy's downfall. Even I, a mere twelve year old child with additional seventeen years in mental age, can see the near destruction of my country.

Back to the issue at hand. The examinees looked as surprised as I am. As I try to quickly adapt to my sudden change of environment, I heard the distant cheers of my sister, Catherine.

"Go, onee-sama ! You can do it !"

Instead of feeling any negative emotions however, I was overwhelmed with the feeling of amusement on how that little sister of mine, who somehow only became my little sister because she was born just a few seconds after me and is currently cheering me on as we speak, can be the one of major factors of my downfall. The sentence itself was so amusing, I couldn't help but chuckle.

Giving her a big grin in return, I could even say her eyes sparkled in what I think is admiration the moment I responded to her cheers. I was then interrupted when a familiar voice suddenly erupted.

"Welcome, new future students of Seven Heights Academy, to the second round of the examinations !"

I only know one person who actually has the privilege to do this things. And no one needs to hear it from me to know who.

"My name is Lucas Kiefer, the current Student Council President of Seven Heights Academy" he smiled charmingly towards the crowd and I could have swore I heard swoons from the background.

He, as much as I didn't want to admit it, has grown into what people would usually call an 'ikemen'. Look at him ! He looks like he was came out of the fictional world ! And what's worse was that he was oblivious to his looks ! I internally sighed. What happened to the boy five years ago ?

He seemed to have noticed me and with a swift wink, turned back to the crowd with a small smile. I looked at him, confused. Was there something I should be catching or-

I was once again interrupted when another person appeared next to Lucas.

"Ah, Sir August ! Just in time" Lucas stated at the old man who appeared next to him. The old man only looked at Lucas with amusement before speaking.

"Lucas ! Always a pleasure" he greeted the young president with a sincere smile. It was then he turned to us when he introduced himself.

"And to you, young students, a pleasure to meet you" he greeted us as well, "my name is Augustine Zenobia, the headmaster of Seven Heights Academy" he then released a large number of fireballs onto the sky, causing into to explode like a firework. So they also have this kinds of entertainment. As I enjoyed the small show presented, I noticed something peculiar when I took my eyes off the exploding fireballs for a second. Someone was next to the headmaster.

It was only for a second. No. I was sure of it. Someone did occupy the space next to the headmaster. But the moment the fireworks died out, that person disappeared. I grumbled. I knew I should have tried to polish my eyesight enhancement when the Queen Dowager started teaching me body enhancement magic. But no matter. I can't cry over spilled milk.

As I try to recuperate from my missed opportunities, it seemed Sir August started speaking again. But unlike those other times where I quickly lose interest on what the adults were talking about, his voice made me feel like I could actually enjoy listening to his speeches.

"A nice performance, if I do say so for myself" he said heartily, "my name is once again Augustine Zenobia, the headmaster of this institution and I hope to meet in you as a student of this school in the future"

Claps were heard and he smiled professionally to the crowd. I noted to myself to improve my ability to charm because, let's face it, everyone in the world of nobility who doesn't know how to charm well as if it was their very own profession would not flourish.

Sir August left Lucas' side afterwards and with that, Lucas announced the start of the second round. But as quickly as it came, the person I missed to see was back at the side of the headmaster.

My curiosity grew as I try to get closer to the two people talking. Who is Sir August talking to ? I wondered. It was then I was bumped by a person twice my height and was deliberately pushed towards the boy the headmaster was talking to.

"Ah-sorry, are you al-" he immediately stopped stuttering the moment he saw me. I looked at him with shocked eyes, surprised to see him. It can't possibly be-

Ho ho ho ! December has arrived and so has the first chapter of the month ! Merry advanced Christmas, everyone ! It is I, Author-chan along with her penchant for cliffhangers !

Yes, readers ! I stopped Rein. I actually cut her off before letting you know who the boy was ! Who could it possibly be, I wonder ? *cackling can be heard at the background*

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