Chapter 34.1: Eros' Day

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In a shop that states 'Tana's Everyday Shop' stood two young boys. This shop had been decorated to fit the upcoming event, Eros' Day.

This boys are known as Demi. Before, they would have been sent away and if worse came to worse, be hanged for simply stepping on the doorstep of a human. But the heiress of the Aurelian Dukedom was different. She took them in, gave them a place to live and fed them. And as such, the Aurelian Dukedom also changed.

Though some are still reluctant to help the now grown Demi, the owner of this fine shop was more than willing. The names of this two boys were Einar and Fremont, most known for being the victims of a large fire five years ago. Another victim was a Demi named Sarah but she was absent for certain reasons.

"Um, Miss Tana, what flower would you recommend if you want a girl to recognize your feelings ?" The younger boy, Einar, asked. If a stranger would dismiss the boy's lion tail and ears, then they would be confused of why a man in the age of twenty would be asking a girl who looks younger than him.

"Hm, if you would gift a girl who still doesn't know your feelings with a flower then I would recommend" Tana looked at her handbook, unsure what to say next, "acacias"

Tana felt that she should give herself a pat on the back for remembering the flower. Who would be able to remember every flower meaning when your shop is for everything ? Don't expect much from a girl who naturally has bad memory.

"Are you sure ?" He asked, uncertain. The shop owner nodded.

"It means concealed love, if I remember correctly" Tana mumbled at the last part.

Einar nodded before asking for a bouquet of acacias. Tana added a number of daisies before giving it to the young boy. She's sure that if he succeeds, by the way he acted, their love would be very pure.

It was then Fremont walked to her aisle, confused.

"Do you have any love advice for me ? I'm not really a romantic type" he laughed nervously. Tana smiled gleefully. Ah, young love. As if she has any idea about love when her last date was a fictional character.

"Well, what's her personality ?" Tana asked.

Fremont rubbed his name before speaking.

"Well, she loves sweets, books, quite competitive and adores Miss Rein" he pauses for a minute before adding, "but if you work in the Aurelian Household, don't we all ?"

Tana thought for a moment before smiling.

"A box of sweets would be nice or a book that she likes but since she's quite competitive, she'll probably think that it was a competition on who gives the best gifts so leave her note, something straightforward if you can" Tana finished.

"You sure know a lot about giving advice" Fremont said, shocked, "but thank you" he scurried off, leaving the shop in a hurry for a box of sweets.

Tana sighed happily before looking at the screen.

"Happy Eros' Day !"

*Eros' Day is another version of Valentine's Day. It is derived from the Greek God of Love, Eros, commonly known as Cupid. Since the author doesn't like using common names, she used the Greek name instead.

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