Taking care (15)

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"Be with someone who will take care of you. Not materialistically, but take care of your  soul, your wellbeing, your heart and everything that's you."


    "Princess", a soft velvety voice hums in my ear. It seems so far away yet so close.

    "Wake up, princess", the soft voice demands softly, shaking me lightly.

    "I-I'm c-cold", I shiver under the blanket, only now remarking how tremulous my body is.

I feel a warm hand resting above my forehead, burning me. It's so heatedly warm.

I snuggle closer to my pillow, wanting to get away from the warmth which is literally burning my skin.

"You're shaking, princess", the soft voice states worriedly.

My eyes flicker open for a second, feeling so heavy, making them shut immediately.

I fall in a deep somber sleep again.


I feel something cold and wet on my forehead, making me wince quietly.

    "I'm sorry, princess. I need to wipe your body so you won't drown in sweat", the soft velvety voice apologizes.

The cold shifts over to my neck, collar bone, my arms. It then go over to my abdomen, letting quite giggles escape my mouth.

The cold stops right under my bellybutton.

    "Another time", the soft voice mutters under his breath.

I lose consciousness for a second time.


I hear my heart hammering loudly in my head.

"Why isn't he here yet?", the soft voice hisses out clearly pissed by something.

I feel him pacing up and down from the end of the room to the beginning. I could feel his agitation steaming up.

"I'm s-sorry Mr. William. There was so much traffic on the way", a new voice apologies sincerely there is fear laced in it.

    "You made my princess wait!", the velvety voice roars out, sending a painful sting to my head.

My body shrivels up in pain. I start to wince from the immense ache. The pain is almost unbearable.

The bed drips down. I feel two soft, warm lips on my forehead, making me forget the pain for a moment.

The lips shift over to my ear, placing a tender kiss on my earlobe.

"I'm sorry, princess", he whispers lovely in my ear, sounding hurt.

A shiver goes straight to my spine from the pleasure this time.

    "Check on my princess", he orders this time softer, but with still so much authority, making me cringe.

"Y-Yes, Mr. William", the other voice submits in full angst. His voice completely shaking.

I feel a new presence beside me, probably the doctor if I can take a guess.

After checking me he finally speaks up: "Mr. William your girlfriend has a bad cold. She needs to rest for the rest of the day. She will be better tomorrow."

    "You're sure it's just a cold? Why was my princess quivering like that?", the soft voice hisses out, on gritted teeth still soft enough so it didn't hurt my head.

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