Be kind, always (17)

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" Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always."


"I'm so sorry, princess."

"It's okay."

"I'm really sorry."

"It's ok-"

"I'm serious, princess I won't scare you ever again."


"I want to hold you safe, princess. I want you to feel comfortable arou-"

"Dude, you need to stop", I dismiss him, waving my hands from behind my desk.

This conversation has been hold since the morning till now.


He has been apologizing to me for 5 freaking hours!

I can't stay angry with him, never been. When the beast came out I really was afraid, but he made me feel safer than my own home. I believe his sincerity of not hurting me.

We were in the office working, better said he was apologizing endlessly and I was typing some random stuff on the computer, trying to seem busy.

A loud knock, boomed through the room, making me jump slightly from my chair, not expecting someone knocking this loud.

Mason remarks it, glaring draggers through the door.

He sure is one crazy lunatic.

"Come in!", he barks sternly in a deep voice full authority. His voice completely changed from how he normally talks to me.

But don't worry it was still sexy as hell.

The door got pushed open and a tall woman moves in elegant steps through the office. My mouth gapes open, me and her were total opposites.

She was tall, really tall even without heels on. I'm mini literally with my height of 5"1, I could not be compared to her.

She had short bleached blond hair in a bob style, the expensive which only rich people could wear. I on the other hand have long auburn hair which flows to my behind. I've never done anything with it beside cutting the dead ends off.

She had full curves, the dream of every single man. Well I have nothing compared to her.

Her face had not one single dot on it, perhaps it was the Botox and the makeup. My face is full of freckles, it flows over from my nose to my cheek. I personally choose to not wear any makeup. I'm too lazy for it and I'm really bad with those dress up things.

Her skin looked the perfect color of tan, matching with her hair, making her look like a Barbie from the beach collection. My skin is dead pale as if I just raise from dead. I'm particularly half albino.

Her whole frame was made for a catwalk.

Words could not describe her beauty, but numbers can...

    A 6 out of 10.

She examines Mason with big lustfull eyes as if she was going to jump him anytime now. I got weird vibes from her, making me shiver slightly. Her eyes were full of hunger.

What a cannibal.

Never heard of the McDonalds?

She goes up to Mason, placing a file on the desk. She bows down, giving him a clear view of her swollen watermelons.

"Here is the file, Mason", she whispered sensually.

His fake assistantTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon