Chapter 6

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Wow, so much for that break I was gonna take. I couldn't resist, especially because I've been waiting to post this already for a day and a half now.
Side note, chapters may start to get a little longer. I'm not sure by how much, but as the storyline moves from background information to more interesting sequences of events, expect an increase in length.
As always, thoughts/opinions are welcomed down below.

I expect my first day of classes to pass with the same dreary monotony that persisted at my old school, but my day is pretty abnormal from the start.

I can't remember the last time I woke up early on a Monday morning, but today I'm up and out of bed ten full minutes before my cell phone alarm blares. I get dressed in record time, collecting my school bag and tying my sneakers before taking one last glimpse at my schedule.

My name is printed neatly at the top of the schedule, alongside the words 'Grade 10'. Below that, my classes have been listed in the same elegant font.

1st hour--Geometry.

2nd hour--Literature.

3rd hour--Astronomy 101.

4th hour--World History.

5th hour--Intro to Public Speaking.

I grimace at that last one, listening as Derek complains that getting up before seven o'clock should be illegal. He shoves his glasses onto his face, earning a questioning look from me.

"Contacts are overrated," Derek justifies, "I don't feel like putting forth the effort to put them in. Not today."

Yawning, he refocuses his attention on stuffing an astronomy textbook into his backpack.

Finished with the morning routine and feeling like I might starve without breakfast, I charge out of the dormitory with Derek not far behind.

It's only ten after seven when we attach ourselves to the end of the cafeteria line, but it looks as though half the school beat us here. Students at the front of the line are choosing between oatmeal and muffins, milk and orange juice. Some take their food to go, hustling out of the classroom building to return to their dorms or the courtyard. Others travel to one of the tables, joining up with an army of friends who took time to secure their seats.

The two of us crawl toward the front of the line, eventually getting within reach of the food. I snag a muffin and a carton of juice, stepping aside while Derek selects the same options.

With our food in hand, we make our way toward what I've realized is the usual table. I've been sitting at this same corner table with Derek, Amber, and Creighton since I've started eating in the cafeteria, and this morning proves no exception.

Amber and her roommate are waiting for the two of us, sitting across from each other in silence.

"This," Amber says as soon as she sees us, "is unacceptable. They aren't serving the cranberry muffins today. That should be a crime. I love those muffins, and now they've forced me to get this oatmeal. It barely even passes as decent."

Derek smirks at her.

"Well, the banana nut muffins are pretty good. Sucks for you that you're allergic to nuts." He grins at her, taking his seat across the table from me.

"Shut up, it's not funny!" Amber pouts, glaring back at him.

Catching sight of his glasses, she shoots him a smirk of her own.

"You look like a dork."

"So do you," he counters, "my glasses aren't nearly as dorky as those braces."

School of Secrets (The Perkins School for Self Improvement #1)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ