Chapter 10

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Labor Day weekend flies by. My classes seem to be going by more quickly as the routine becomes more and more familiar to me, though by the Friday after Labor Day I'm frozen in a state of heightened anxiety. It almost compares to the terror I felt at Marco's ritual, only this time I know there's a possibility of delaying the event.

Amber is supposed to die tomorrow, but both Derek and I have convinced ourselves that there's a way to prevent it. We've kept watching her, kept following her to classes, and we're going to be even more vigilant tomorrow.

We're confident, and I guess that counts for something.

My confidence in the plan, however, is shaken during third hour on Friday. Professor Atwater all but runs into class almost ten minutes late, right when the whispers had begun to reach an all-time high.

He looks awful, but he reaches for the textbook on his desk like nothing's the matter at all. He's about to start lecturing when Creighton dares to ask the question.

"Professor A, are you okay?"

Atwater looks at her, and I'm expecting him to tell her it's none of her concern, but instead he just sighs, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose.

"Dark days are coming to this school, Miss Hastings," he says cryptically, "I've suspected as much, but I've seen it now."

With that, he opens the textbook to our most recent chapter and faces the class full-on.

"Now, who can tell me why Earth's moon doesn't have an atmosphere?"

"Creighton's not the only one who gets visions," Derek tells me in a hushed whisper, filling me in while Creighton answers Atwater's question, "Atwater sees things too, but less often and he's usually less accurate."

"But he sees things?" I echo, "If he thinks that darkness is coming, then surely he saw Amber too."

"He could be talking about something else," Derek hisses, "Amber's not going to die. I won't let it happen."

I force myself to believe that, enduring the rest of class in silence.

"Remember!" Atwater shouts after us when we're filing out, "The first exam is on Monday. Everyone, study properties of Earth's moon and the Sun, and make sure you understand what was discussed in the third chapter of your books. This will impact your grades, and excuses for epic failure will not be tolerated."

Derek, Creighton and I join Amber at the doorway of her neighboring class, hustling to the cafeteria for lunch.

In the moment, I let myself stop worrying, focused heavily on the fact that I urgently need to study for the astronomy exam.


The next day, after lunch, Derek and Amber head off to play a round of air hockey in the recreational building. Derek catches the look Creighton sends his way, and quickly states that he'll keep Amber away from the building's east wall at all costs. He and Amber escape before me or Creighton can format another argument, and the day stretches on in a sluggish, calm manner.

Creighton and I end up on the third floor of the classroom building, sitting together in the library with a mountain of astronomy notes sprawled on the table before us.

I get the feeling most of those notes are meant solely for my benefit. Creighton could, with minimal difficulty, take that exam right now and get an A.

I, on the other hand, have no idea what I'm doing.

"Why doesn't our moon have an atmosphere?" Creighton asks me, watching intently as I tap my pencil against the table's surface.

School of Secrets (The Perkins School for Self Improvement #1)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora