Chapter Three

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It had been six months since Jimin had joined you, and three months since Hoseok had joined you.

"I have to go the vets to get Heat suppressants." You announced to the two hybrids laying on the couch. They looked up lazily, both drifting off to a nap, nodding. "I'll be home soon." You walked over, petting each of their heads gently.

With that you left and headed towards the vets in your car. You hadn't dressed up today like you usually would have to go out to the city. Your hair was just brushed through, the clothes you were wearing were half Jimin's and half your own. This was only because you really liked the oversized knitted sweaters you had bought Jimin.

You hummed along to the radio before parking up and locking the car. You walked into the vets, a similar scent of hospital hitting your nose. You walked up to the front desk.

"Can I have two sets of heat suppressants for my hybrids please?" You asked. He nodded, uninterested.

"What kind?"

"One is a dog the other is a kitten." You spoke, smiling and he nodded and typed something in.

"If you sit down, it should be with you within the next thirty minutes." He spoke, handing me a slip of paper and gesturing towards the uncomfortable looking plastic chairs.

You were scrolling through your phone to pass the time, your ears listening out for your name before yelling overcame it. You looked up and saw a hybrid struggling against three vets.

"No!" He was yelling. "You can't put me down! Please!" He was uncontrollably sobbing at this point. The male that you noticed he was sat with had walked out the vets, probably not giving two shits about this hybrid.

"Excuse me?" You went up to the receptionist again, he looked back up at you.

"What?" He sounded grumpy.

"Why is that hybrid being put down?"

"His owner doesn't want him anymore, and apparently he's too hyper to be rehomed so it is the only thing we can do." Before he could say anymore your feet were taking you towards the hybrid who was so close to entering the surgery door, bawling his eyes out.

"Excuse me." You spoke softly.

The three vets, who were struggling to restrain the bunny hybrid in their arms turned and glared at you.


What was with everyone in this vets?

"May I speak with the hybrid for a moment?" You spoke. They hesitated before nodding, not letting him go. "To have a proper conversation with someone, you must be able to move freely or it would be classed as interrogation. How would you like it if I was to restrain you three and then try conversing with you?"

Your sharp tongue spat at the three, and they let the bunny go, the boy dropping to his knees.

You knelt down in front of him.

"I'm Y/N..." You spoke softly. "What's your name?"

"J-Jungkook..." He looked like a petrified rabbit.

"It's lovely to meet you Jungkook." You smiled softly. He looked over at you, the tears not falling as rapidly. "Can I ask you a personal question Jungkook?"

He nodded.

"When did you last have your heat?"

"Nearly a year ago... why?" A gentle bush covered his cheeks.

"Make that three heat suppressants please!" You called over to the receptionist. "Oh! An adoption paper as well!"

"A-Are you being serious?" One of the vets towering over the weak looking bunny hybrid stuttered.

"Did I stutter?" You retorted. He shook his head. "Come wait with me Jungkook." You stood up offering your hand, again.

This is starting to seem so common.

"Where are you taking me? Are you going to get me put down? Please don't-"

"Don't worry Jungkook." You laughed softly. "I've got two other hybrids at home. You'll make the perfect little addition to our family."

His face lit up and he grinned throwing his arms around me as he stood, this caused the three vets to move in. But all you had to do was glare at them and they backed off. You smiled up at the bunny.

"We can have whatever you want to eat tonight okay?" You smiled and he nodded excitedly.

Dangerous Love // Hybrid!BTS AU - Hybrid!Yoongi x Reader //Where stories live. Discover now