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"As told, after the treatment, the patient just walked off and out of the hospital. The man fled without payment after receiving treatment for his stabbing wound. The police are on the investigation, believing that the man must have ties with the well-known mafia, probably his motive was to escape." The news reporter said.

"Wow, Joanne. Isn't this the first incident that has ever been reported with Grand Oak Hospital?"

"Yes, Bob. It is quite shocking to hear that this had happened in the most prestigious hospital in New York. Their clean record is now broken. Dr. Ila Archer was in charge of that patient, one of the new and young doctors at Grand Oak." Joanne stated.

"Should we start questioning their procedures?"

"Who knows, Bob? Who knows?"

I turned away from the TV and focused back on my breakfast. I was currently in my apartment, getting some munch on before work.

After reporting the incident, the chief physician first instinct was to find the man. That lead to the police taking the investigation. Somehow this ended up with the media and it does not look pretty. It's been three days since the 'walking patient' incident, as the media would say.

My spoon full of cereal was halfway to my mouth when my phone rang. I dropped my spoon back into my bowl and picked up the call.

"Hello, chief," I said as I greeted the head physician.

A heavy sigh was his response.

"I tried talking to Mr. Heffling." Mr. Ramirez said. The name of the CEO of Grand Oak hospital sent shivers down my back. He was known to have quite a temper and when he does he becomes unreasonable. With money and power on his side, no one stops him from doing what he pleases. He's gotten pretty old. We were waiting for him to resign or something so his son would take over.  "He wants to see you. He has a meeting scheduled for you, I heard that the board of medicine will be there."

My stomach churned. "With the board of medicine? Why? Is this case that serious?"

"It's Mr. Heffling we are talking about. Everything is serious. The meeting is scheduled an hour before your shift. Good luck."

"I'll need it," I told him before ending the call.

The conversation ended with perfect timing. I placed my empty bowl in the sink before grabbing my purse and coat. I headed out of my apartment, into the parking garage. I quickly went to my car and drove to Grand Oak hospital, which was only 20 minutes away.

My today's shift starts at 9, meaning the meeting was at 8. I looked at the digital clock of the car in the dashboard and saw it was only 7:20. I arrived at the hospital at 7:45, having enough time to make my way to the 5th floor of the hospital.

Entering the hospital, I walked to the elevator. I pressed the button, repetitively. Finally, the metal doors opened apart revealing someone already inside. I stood there, flustered,  as the CEO, Mr. Heffling, looked at me with annoyance.

"Good morning, Mr. Heffingling." I nervously said.

"Well, come on in. Don't make us late." He said, grumpily.

I stepped inside. We both stayed silent through the whole five floors up.

The doors opened and he walked out. I trailed behind him. We made it to the room where the meeting was to be held. We walked in and was greeted by the faces of the board of medicine.

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