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I was done with my breakfast before Ila. Scrolling through the notifications on my phone, I waited for her to finish. I noticed that she ate slower than she had at the beginning. Ila must be getting full.

One of the notification alerted me that I had missed a text message around 4 in the morning. It was concerning Ila's room. After reading it, I decided to tell Ila of the good news.

"You're room is done," I told her after she finished the last bite of her breakfast burrito.

"Already?" She asked in shock.

"I had them clean it over the night," I said, hoping to show off the power I had around here. I leaned forward, propping my elbows on the table waiting for her impresses response. Her reply was far from what I expected.

"You made them clean it last night? It must have taken hours to finish." She said, frowning.

"I am the one paying them." I defended.

"Still. They could have done it today. It's not like I'm going to be in there the whole day." Ila scowled at me.

I frowned and leaned back in my chair. My attempt to impress her had failed.

"Do you want to see it or not?" I asked, trying to get rid of the guilt Ila made me feel.

Going up the stairs was a struggle after eating so many burritos. Nevertheless, with much effort, I made it to my room with Matteo.

I grabbed the doorknob and tried turning it but found out it was jammed. I looked at Matteo for help. He smirked as he removed his right hand from his pocket, dangling a key in front of my face.

"There's a lock, just like you asked." He said.

I moved out of the way for Matteo to unlock the door. I walked to the center of the room as Matteo stayed in the doorway. It looked like Aletta never destroyed my room.

"They did a good job," I said.

Matteo walked to my side and handed me the key to the room.

"Thanks," I told him as I pocketed it.

After locking the door behind us, we bumped into Marcella at the stairs. She was still in her sleepwear. It was noticeable that she just woke up and walked out of her room. Her hair was all tangled up and she was missing a sock on her right foot.

"You're awake early," Matteo said. He looked down at his wrist to check the time, "It's only ten."

It was clear that Marcella was not an early bird.

"There are some things you have to sacrifice for a new pair of shoes," Marcella said, ending with a yawn.

"You're planning to go right now?" Matteo asked.

"Yes, that means we have only eight hours to shop."

"Wait... what?" I asked, wondering if I had heard right.

"I promise to have her home by six." She told Matteo, completely ignoring my question.

"Seriously? Eight hours?" I asked.

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