Bonus chapter-1

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A woman who opens her heart to love you when it's already broken, is braver than any person you will ever meet.

- Steven Banson.

Agustin's pov....(On the previous chapter)

'Your first and foremost mistake was not being able to trust me, and from where I am looking you are still standing at the same position you where standing few years back.

Have you asked yourself why am I not comfortable enough to ask you in the face that I want to meet Jacob?'

In my life I had done many mistakes, I wish I never did. I have just added one more to my list. Each one keeps repeating itself for millions of times whenever I look at Onika. Her pain filled eyes whenever she is in my presence, makes sure I never forget that.

What an irony, when I was so adamant on breaking her, that was what I wanted, to see never ending pain in her eyes, I have broken her so thoroughly that no matter what I do her old self will never be back. I don't know how to fix her, how to fix the pieces of her heart, I had so mercilessly broken.

Then her smiling face flushed infront of me, when she was sitting in that filthy restaurant, waiting to place her order, happy like a child waiting for her Christmas gift, how such small and simple things can make her happy, but still when I try to bring a smile on her face, I find it the toughest thing to do, when Jacob can do it just with his mere presence.

I remember, there was one time when I had the same power over her, my smallest act of affection used to make her so happy, simply my mentioning that I love her will lead to the most beautiful smile to break through her lips, all my mistakes forgiven, just like that.

Her innocence hit my very soul, taunting at me, how can I break her the way I did? Whenever I see in her eyes, innocence was written all over it, I never saw any deceit, but still I refused to believe her.

At that time I never imagined there will come a time when my mere presence will just cause her pain. Will I ever be able to win her love back? Will she ever look at me with same admiration in her eyes?

Then Jacob's words reverberated in my mind, adding fuel to the fire.

Now, now, now there is no fun in taking something as precious as Onika away from you without a fight. Now is there?

Is he taking her away from me, bit by bit.

I balled my hands tight as an unbearable pain shoot through my chest.
What is it? Jealous, heart break? Or may be both.

Oh god , no please no, I can't bear this, I can't let Jacob take my Onika away from me.

My.... Is she really mine? The more important question is, is she rightfully mine. I am afraid to know the answer, because deep down I know, I lost all the rights over her the day I decided not to believe her.

The pain I feel just just got intensified as I recalled her words.

You know why I couldn't find in me to forgive you?

Because forgivness should be awarded only when the one at fault has realised his mistake.

There is nothing to forgive for, because you have realized nothing, you didn't trust me then, you don't trust me now.

She is right, I shouldn't have been so reckless, I should have called her. What was I thinking? Why can't I think straight when it comes to her.

What should I do now? A simple sorry doesn't seems to be enough anymore. Can she ever be happy with me, no matter how hard I try?

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